En el DF existe un fuerte grupo multidisciplinario que trabaja en la física de fluidos, plasmas, y materia condensada blanda usando métodos teóricos, experimentales, y numéricos. Los temas de interés van desde el geodínamo hasta las ciencias atmosféricas y la física espacial.
Fluids and Plasmas
Name |
Research position |
Interests |
Bilbao, Luis Ernesto
Dasso, Sergio
- Researcher at CONICET
- Adjoint Profesor
- Space Physics
- Space Weather
- Space Plasma
Gómez, Daniel Osvaldo
- Principal Researcher of Conicet
- Head Profesor
- Fluids
- Plasmas
- Astrophysics
Minotti, Fernando Oscar
Morales, Laura F.
- Adjunct Researcher - Conicet
- Adjoint Profesor
- Solar Physics, Self Organized Criticality, Heliospheric Physics, Space Weather
Peralta, Carlos
- PhD Student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Accretion disks
- Astrophysics
- Numerical Simulations
Vigh, Carlos D.
Name |
Research position |
Interests |
Kleiman, Ariel
- Coatings
- Surface treatment
Quintana, Juan P.
Zanini, Matias
- PhD Student / CONICET Fellowship
- Main Teaching Assistant
- Plasma
- Applied Physics
- Experimental Physics
- Social Network Analysis
- Big Data
Name |
Research position |
Interests |
Clark Di Leoni, Patricio
- PhD student
- Main Teaching Assistant
- Turbulence
- Geophysical flows
- Quantum flows
Cobelli, Pablo Javier
Dmitruk, Pablo Ariel
- Principal Researcher
- Associate Profesor
Fontana, Mauro
- PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Turbulence
- Magnetohydrodynamics
- Dynamo and magnetic reversals
- Numerical modelling
Lugones, Rodrigo
- PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Turbulence
- Plasma
- Astrophysics
- Numerical Simulations
- Fluids
Mininni, Pablo Daniel
- Principal Researcher (CONICET)
- Head Profesor
- Fluid dynamics
- Turbulence
- Magnetohydrodynamics
- Rotating flows
- Stratified flows
- Atmospheric flows
- Superfluids
Noseda, Manuel
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Sujovolsky, Nicolás
- Fluid dynamics
- Turbulence
- Stratified flows