Seminario: Ultrafast optics con Ursula Keller
- 2025-03-10 10:00 |
- Aula Federman
Este año, la tradicional Escuela Giambiagi del DF Exactas UBA celebró su XIX edición, bajo el título Computational fluid dynamics and applications, entre el 31 de julio al 4 de agosto en la sala de conferencias principal del Pabellón de Industrias de Ciudad Universitaria.
El encuentro versó sobre las aplicaciones prácticas de la dinámica de fluidos computacionales, con especial énfasis en aplicaciones industriales, ciencias atmosféricas y biología. El crecimiento de los supercomputadores y el desarrollo de poderosos métodos numéricos paralelos en las últimas décadas condujeron a novedosos cambios en estas áreas. Los flujos laminares y turbulentos, que son omnipresentes en la naturaleza y en los problemas industriales, ahora pueden ser modelados y estudiados en amplias escalas. Sin embargo, siguen existiendo grandes desafíos, como el modelado de la turbulencia a pequeña escala, de dominios con geometrías complejas y de flujos multi-escala y multifísica. A pesar de que surgen problemas similares en diferentes áreas de investigación, en muchos casos las soluciones se desarrollan de forma independiente con poco cruzamiento entre estas áreas.
Las y los profesores a cargo de los cursos fueron MarianoVázquez (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain), Celeste Saulo (Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, Argentina), Oscar Bruno (Caltech, USA), Mariano Cantero (Instituto Balseiro, Argentina) y Albert Farrés Coma (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain).
La escuela tuvo tres componentes: cursos introductorios que brindaron herramientas necesarias para el modelado computacional de fluidos, cursos sobre aplicaciones de dinámica de fluidos computacional, y posters presentados por los participantes. Los cursos introductorios incluyeron un curso sobre métodos de programación en paralelo dictado por Albert Farrés Coma, y un curso de métodos numéricos dictado por Oscar Bruno. Los cursos de aplicaciones cubrieron el uso de modelado computacional para estudiar flujos biológicos (Mariano Vázquez), el estudio de flujos atmosféricos y como se realiza el pronostico numérico (Celeste Saulo), y la simulación de diversos flujos geofísicos e industriales con modelos de turbulencia (Mariano Cantero).
El evento logró crear un ambiente fundamentalmente interdisciplinario y propició intercambios libres y promisorios de nuevas ideas entre estudiantes, postdocs e investigadores de una amplia variedad de campos. Asistieron gratuitamente más de cuarenta estudiantes provenientes de la región, incluyendo estudiantes e investigadores de Córdoba, el Litoral y de Uruguay. Se financiaron seis becas de apoyo económico para estudiantes.
Uno de los organizadores, el profesor del DF e investigador del iFIBA, Pablo Mininni, sostuvo: "En Física y sus interdisciplinas, esta escuela, junto con la que organiza el Instituto Balseiro son únicas en la región" mientras que otro de los organizadores, Pablo Cobelli, profesor del DF e investigador del IFIBA, remarcó el carácter diverso de los aportes temáticos y de las y los estudiantes asistentes.
Artículos publicados en 2016 (más reciente a menos reciente)
Artículos de colaboración publicados en 2016:
1) P. Clark Di Leoni, P.D. Mininni & M. E. Brachet: “Spatiotemporal detection of kelvin waves in quantum turbulence simulations”; Physical Rev A, 92 (6), art. 063632. APS.
2) P. Clark Di Leoni, P. Cobelli & P.D. Mininni: “The spatio-temporal spectrum of turbulent flows”, European Physical Journal E, 38 (12), art. 136, pp 1-10. Springer New York.
3) C. Rorai, P.D. Mininni & A.Pouquet:.: “Stably stratified turbulence in the presence of large-scale forcing”; Physical Rev E, 92 (1), art. 013003. APS.
4) P. Clark Di Leoni & P.D. Mininni: “Absorption of waves by large-scale winds in stratified turbulence”; Physical Rev E, 91 (3), art. 033015. APS.
5) D. Rosenberg, A.Pouquet, R. Marino & P. Mininni.: “Evidence for Bolgiano-Obukhov scaling in rotating stratified turbulence using high-resolution direct numerical simulations”; Physics of Fluids, 27 (5), art. 1,4921076. AIP.
6) W. Matthaeus, M. Wan, S. Servidio, A. Greco, K.T. Osman, S. Oughton & P. Dmitruk : “Intermittency, nonlinear dynamics and dissipation in the solar wind and astrophysical plasmas”; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Soc. A, 373 (2041), art. 053005. Royal Soc of London.
7) N. Romanelli, C. Bertucci, D. Gómez & C. Mazelle : “Dependende of the location of the martian magnetic lobes on the interplanetary magnetic field direction: Observations from Mars Global Surveyor”; Journal of Geophysical Research A, 120 (9), pp. 7737-7747. AGU.
8) N. Andrés, K.Meziane, C. Mazelle, C. Bertucci & D.Gómez: “The ULF wave foreshock boundary: Cluster observations”; Journal of Geophysical Research A, 120 (6), pp. 4181-4193. AGU.
9) C. R. Bonazzola, A.A. Hnilo, M.G. Kovalsky & J. Tredicce: “Features of the extreme events observed in an all-solid-state laser with a saturable absorber”; Physical Rev A, 92 (5), art. 053816. APS.
10) M. Janvier, S. Dasso, P. Demoulin, J.J. Masías Meza & N. Lugaz: “Comparing generic models for interplanetary shocks and magnetic clouds axis configurations at 1 AU”; Journal of Geophysical Research A, 120 (5), pp. 3328-3349. AGU.
11) A. Osella, P.Martinelli, V. Grunhut, M de la Vega, N. Bonomo & M. Weissel: “Electrical imaging for localizing historical tunnels at an urban environments”; Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 12 (4), art. 674, pp. 674-685. IoP.
12) A. Osella, L.Omnis, M de la Vega, M de la Vega, A. Tassone, R.A. Volante, H. Lippal, E. López & E. I. Rovere: “Seismic reflection survey at Llancanelo region (Mendoza, Argentina) and preliminary interpretation of Neogene stratigraphic features”; Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 60, pp. 71-81. Elsevier.
13) M. V. Bongiovanni, V. Grunhut, A. Osella & A. Tichno,: “Numerical simulation of surface-downhole geoelectrical measurements in order to detect brine plumes”; Journal of Applied Geophysics, 116, pp. 215-223. Elsevier.
14) N. Bonomo, D. Bullo, A. Villela & A. Osella,: “Ground-penetrating radar investigation of the cylindrical pedestal of a monument”; Journal of Applied Geophysics, 113, pp. 1-13. Elsevier.
15) F. Minotti, L. Giuliani, M. Xaubet & D. Grondona: “Study of a contracted glow in low-frequency plasma-jet discharges operating with argon”; Journal of Plasmas, 22 (11), art. 113512. AIP.
16) J. L. Gallego, L. Giuliani, D. Grondona & F. Minotti: “Three-electrode plasma reactor for the removal of toxic gases”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 591 (1), art. 012061. IoP.
17) L. Giuliani, J. L. Gallego, F. Minotti, H. Kelly & D. Grondona: “Emission spectroscopy of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet operated with air at low frequency”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 591 (1), art. 012048. IoP.
18) M. Fazio, D. Vega, A. Kleiman, D. Colombo, L.M. Franco Arias & A. Márquez: “Study of the structure of titanium thin films deposited with a vacuum arc as a function of the thickness”; Thin Solid Films, 593, pp. 110-115. Elsevier.
19) D. J. Cirilo Lombardo: “The Legacy of M.P. Bronstein: on relativistic wave equations for spin 2 fields and some comments”; Gravitation and Cosmology, 21 (1), pp. 57-58. Maik Nauka Interperiodica Pub..
20) P. Alexander, A. De La Torre, T. Schmidt, P. Llamedo & R. Hierro: “Limb sounders tracking topographic gravity wave activity from the stratosphere to the ionosphere around midlatitude Andes Journal of Geophysical Research A, 120 (10), pp. 9014-9022. AGU.
21) P. Alexander, D. Luna, A. De La Torre & T. Schmidt: “Distribution functions and statistical parameters that may be used to characterize limb sounders gravitiy wave climatologies in the stratosphere”; Advances in Space Research, 56 (4), pp. 619-633. Elsevier.
22) A. De La Torre, H. Pessano, R. Hierro, J.R. Santos, P. Llamedo, D. Luna, & P. Alexander: “The influence of topography on vertical velocity of air in relation to severe storms near the Southern Andes Mountains”; Atmospheric Research, 156, pp. 91-101. Elsevier.
23) R. Hierro, P. Llamedo, A. De La Torre & P. Alexander: “Spatiotemporal structures of rainfall over the Amazon basin derived from TRMM data”; International Journal of Climatology, 2015. John Wiley & Sons.
24) L. Bernal & L. Bilbao: “Rotating mirror method for measuring the visible and NIR spectrum of plasmas”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 591 (1), art. 012069. IoP.
25) L. Bilbao: “Adaptive finite volume numerical method”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 591 (1), art. 012037. IoP.
26) L. J. Pellizza, M. G. Mayochi, L. Ciocci Brazzano & S. E. Pedrosa: “A demonstration of the conservation of the orbital angular momentum of Earth”; American Journal of Physics, 83 (12), pp. 1019-1027. AAPT.
27) D.P.S. McCutcheon, J.P. Paz & A. J. Roncaglia: “Comment on “General non-markovian dynamics of open quantum systems”; Physical Rev. Letters, Vol. 115 (16), art. 168901. APS.
28) I. García Mata, A. J. Roncaglia & D.Wisniacki: “Comment on "exploring chaos in the Dicke model using ground-state fidelity and Loschmidt echo”; Physical Review E, 91 (3), art. 036901. APS.
29) G. De Chiara, A. Roncaglia & J.P. Paz : “Measuring work and heat in ultracold quantum gases”; New Journal of Physics, 17), art. 035004. IoP.
30) I. García Mata, A. J. Roncaglia & D.Wisniacki: “Relaxation of isolated quantum systems beyond chaos”; Physical Review E, 91 (1), art. 010902. APS.
31) N. Freitas, E. A. Martinez & J. P. Paz: “Heat transport through ion crystals”; Physica Scripta, 91 (1), 013007. IoP.
32) D.A. Wisniacki & P. Schlagheck: “Quantum manifestations of classical nonlinear resonances”; Physical Review E, 92 (6), art. 062923. APS.
33) P. Poggi, F. Lombardo & D.A. Wisniacki: “Time-optimal control fields for quantum systems with multiple avoided crossings”; Physical Review A, 92 (5), art. 053411. APS.
34) P. Poggi, F. Lombardo & D.A. Wisniacki: “Enhancement of quantum speed limit time due to cooperative effects in multilevel systems”; Journal of Physics A, 48 (35), art. 35FT02. IoP.
35) C.D. Fosco, F.C. Lombardo & F.D. Mazzitelli : “Derivative expansion for the electromagnetic Casimir free energy at high temperatures”; Physical Rev. D, 92 (12), art. 125007. APS.
36) C.D. Fosco & F.C. Lombardo: “Oscillating dipole layer facing a conducting plane: a classical analogue of the dynamical Casimir effect”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (12), 598, pp. 1-9. Springer New York.
37) M. B. Farías, C.D. Fosco, F.C. Lombardo, F.D. Mazzitelli, A.E. Rubio López : “Functional approach to quantum friction: Effective action and dissipative force”; Physical Rev. D, 91 (10), art. 105020. APS.
38) C.D. Fosco, F.C. Lombardo & F.D. Mazzitelli : “Derivative expansion for the electromagnetic and Neumann-Casimir effects in 2+1 dimensions with imperfect mirrors”; Physical Rev. A, 91 (10), art. 105019. APS.
39) F.C. Lombardo & P. I. Villar : “Correction to the geometric phase by structured environments: The onset of non-Markovian effects”; Physical Rev. A, 91 (4) art. 042111. APS.
40) C.D. Fosco, F.C. Lombardo & F.D. Mazzitelli : “Effect of concurrent geometry and roughness in interacting surfaces”; Physical Rev. A, 91 (2), art. 022513. APS.
41) P. Villar & F.C. Lombardo: ” Decoherence of a solid-state qubit by different noise correlation spectra”; Physical Letters A, 379 (4), pp. 246-254. Elsevier.
42) F.C. Lombardo & P. I. Villar : “Geometric phase and quantum correlations for a bipartite two-level system”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 626 (1) art. 012043. IoP.
43) M. Riso, M. Cuevas & R. Depine: “Tunable plasmonic enhancement of light scattering and absorption in graphene-coated subwavelength wires”; Journal of Optics, 17 (7), art. 075001. IoP.
44) M.A. Zeller, M. Cuevas & R. Depine: “Critical coupling layer thickness for positive or negative Goos-Hänchen shifts near the excitation of backward surface polaritons in Otto-ATR systems”; Journal of Optics, 17 (5), art. 055102. IoP.
45) R. Depine & A. Lakhtakia: “Poynting theorem constraints on the signs of the imaginary parts of the electromagnetic constitutive parameters: Comment”; Journal of Optical Soc of America A, 32 (8), pp. 1564-1565. The Optical Soc..
46) M. Lester & D. C. Skigin: “Striking properties of light transmitted by a double period nanoslit structure under evanescent incidence”; Journal of Optics, 17 (5), art. 055601, pp. 1-10.. IoP.
47) M. E. Inchaussandague, M.L. Gigli, D. C. Skigin, A. Tolivia & V. H. Conforti: “Electromagnetic response of the protective pellicicle of Euglenoids: Influence of the surface profile”; Proceedings of the SPIE, 9429 (January), 94290D. SPIE.
48) D. Macías, A. Vial, A. Luna, D. C. Skigin & M. E. Inchaussandague: “Characterization of natural photonic structures by means of optimization strategies”; Proceedings of the SPIE, 9429 (January), 94290X. SPIE.
49) D. Valencia & D. C. Skigin: “Phase resonances induced by a subwavelength particle near a surface with two cavities”; Applied Optics, 54 (25), pp. 7679-768610. The Optical Soc..
50) A. Dolinko, D. C. Skigin, M. E. Inchaussandague, A. Tolivia & V. H. Conforti: “UV protection of euglenoids: Computation of the electromagnetic response”; Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 9531, art 953144. SPIE.
51) A. F. Maldonado, J.I. Melo & G.A. Aucar: “Theoretical analysis of NMR shieldings of group-11 metal halides on MX (M = Cu, Ag, Au; X = H, F, Cl, Br, I) molecular systems, and the appearance of quasi instabilities on AuF”; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (38), pp. 25516-25524. Royal Soc of Chemistry.
52) M.S Gravielle & J. Miraglia: “Influence of beam collimation on fast-atom diffraction studied via a semiquantum approach”; Physical Review A, 92 (6), art. 062709. APS.
53) A. Jorge, C. Illescas, J. Miraglia & M.S Gravielle: “Scaling for state-selective charge exchange due to collisions of multicharged ions with hydrogen”; Journal of Physics B, 48 (23), art. 235201. IoP.
54) C. D. Archubi, V.M. Silkin & M.S Gravielle: “Influence of the projectile charge state on electron emission spectra from a Cu(111) surface”; Surface Science, 639, pp.75-79. Elsevier.
55) A. Jorge, C. Illescas, J. Miraglia & M.S Gravielle: “Scaling for state-selective charge exchange due to collisions of multicharged ions with hydrogen”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (2), art. 022052. IoP.
56) C.A.R. Rubiano, G.A. Bocan, J.I. Juaristi & M.S Gravielle: “Energy-loss contribution for fast He atoms axially scattered off a silver surface”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (3), art. 032013. IoP.
57) C. D. Archubi, V.M. Silkin & M.S Gravielle: “Influence of the projectile charge state on electron emission spectra from a Cu(111) surface”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (3), art. 032026. IoP.
58) M.S Gravielle: “Quantum interference of fast atoms scattered off crystal surfaces”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 583, art. 012027. IoP.
59) M.S Gravielle, J. Miraglia & G.A. Bocan : “Fast atom diffraction of H and He from a LiF(001) surface: Semi-quantum approach”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (3), art. 032006. IoP
60) C.C. Montanari & J. E. Miraglia: “Positron and electron-impact multiple-ionization”; Journal of Physics B, 48 (16), art. 165203. IoP.
61) C.C. Montanari & J. E. Miraglia: “Positron and electron-impact multiple-ionization of rare gases”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (3), art. 052009. IoP.
62) J. E. Miraglia & C.C. Montanari: “Argonization method to deal with inelastic processes in SiH4, PH3 and SH2 by impact of protons”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (3), art. 032008. IoP.
63) C.C. Montanari & J. E. Miraglia: “Multiple ionization of Ar by alpha particles”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (2), art. 022010. IoP.
64) J. E. Miraglia & C.C. Montanari: “The use of Parr temperature within the Lindhard dielectric function”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (2), art. 022011. IoP.
65) J. E. Miraglia: “Electron emission and exciton production of LiF surfaces by grazing impact of hydrogen neutral atoms”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 583, art. 012031. IoP.
66) C.C. Montanari & J. E. Miraglia: “Energy threshold in multiple ionization by electron or positron impact”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (2), art. 022010. IoP.
67) M.J. Ambrosio, D.M. Mitnik, G. Gassaneo, J.M. Randazzo, A.S. Kadyrov, D.V. Fursa & I. Bray: “Convergent close coupling versus the generalized Sturmian function approach: Wave-function analysis”; Physical Review A, 92 (5), art. 052518. APS.
68) M.J. Ambrosio, D.M. Mitnik, L.U. Ancarani, G. Gassaneo & E.L.- Gaggioli: “Double ionization of helium by proton impact: A generalized-Sturmian approach”; Physical Review A, 92 (4), art. 042704. APS.
69) A. I. Gòmez, G. Gassaneo & D.M. Mitnik: “Generalized Sturmian approach to extracting transition amplitudes for two-photon ionization of atoms by electromagnetic pulses”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (9), art. 092123. IoP.
70) J.M. Randazzo, L.U. Ancarani, D.M. Mitnik, C.M. Granados Castro, G. Gassaneo & F.D. Colavecchia: “Generalized Sturmian treatment of atomic double photoionization by n-photon absorption at low intensity laser fields”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (9), art. 092105. IoP.
71) A.L. Frapiccini, G. Gassaneo, D.M. Mitnik & F.D. Colavecchia:: “Effect of the fullerene confining potential in the 1s –-> 2p resonant transition of H”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (9), art. 092126. IoP.
72) J.M. Randazzo, D.M. Mitnik, G. Gassaneo, L.U. Ancarani & F.D. Colavecchia: “Double photonization of helium: A generalized Sturmian approach”; European Physical Journal D, 69 (8), 189. Springer NY.
73) J.C. Aguiar, D.M. Mitnik & H. O. Di Rocco: “Electron momentum density and Compton profile by a semi-empirical approach”; Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 83, pp. 64-69. Elsevier Ltd..
74) M.J. Ambrosio, F.D. Colavecchia, G. Gassaneo, D.M. Mitnik & L.U. Ancarani: “Double ionization of helium by fast electrons with the Generalized Sturmian Functions method”; Journal of Physics B, 48 (5), art. 055204. IoP.
75) M.J. Ambrosio, F.D. Colavecchia, D.M. Mitnik & G. Gassaneo: “Discrepancy between theory and experiment in double ionization of helium by fast electrons”; Physical Review A, 91 (1), art. 012704. APS.
76) C.M. Castro Granados, L.U. Ancarani, X. Assfeld, G. Gassaneo & D.M. Mitnik: “Sturmian approach to study photoionization of molecules”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (11), art. 112073. IoP.
77) M.J. Ambrosio, D.M. Mitnik, G. Gassaneo & F.D. Colavecchia: “Ionization of Helium by neutronic impact”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (2), art. 022069. IoP.
78) C.M. Castro Granados, L.U. Ancarani, G. Gassaneo & D.M. Mitnik: “Surmtian approach to single photoionization of many electron atoms and molecules”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 601 (1), art. 012009. IoP.
79) J.M. Randazzo, A.L. Frapiccini, D.M. Mitnik, G. Gassaneo & F.D. Colavecchia: “Double Photoionization of confined atoms in n-walled fullerenes”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (11), art. 112089. IoP.
80) M.J. Ambrosio, F.D. Colavecchia, D.M. Mitnik, G. Gassaneo & L.U. Ancarani: “Generalized Sturmian Functions applied to double continuum problems”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 601 (1), art. 012004. IoP.
81) M.J. Ambrosio, D.M. Mitnik, G. Gassaneo, E.L. Gaggioli & F.D. Colavecchia: “Ionization of Helium by electron and proton impact”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 635 (5), art. 052073. IoP.
82) C.I. Nieto, P. Cabildo, R.M. Claramunt, P .Comago, D. Sanz, M. C. Torralba, M.R. Torres, M. B. Ferraro, I. Alkorta, M. Marín-Luna & J. Elguero: “The structure of β-diketones related to curcumin determined by X-ray crystallography, NMR (solution and solid state) and theoretical calculations”; Structural Chemistry, 2015, pp. 1-26. Springer NY.
83) M.C. Caputo, S. Pelloni & P.Lazzeretti: “Theoretical prediction of the optical rotation of chiral molecules in ordered media: A computational study of (Ra)-1,3-dimethylallene, (2R)-2-methyloxirane, and (2R)-N-methyloxaziridine”; International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 115 (14), pp. 900-906. John Wiley and Sons.
84) A.M. Lund, G.I. Pagola, A.M Orendt, M.B. Ferraro & J.C. Facelli: “Crystal structure prediction from first principles: The crystal structures of glycine”; Chemical Physics Letters, 626, pp. 20-24. Elsevier.
85) R. C. Bochicchio: “On the non-integer number of particles in molecular system domains: treatment and description”; Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 134 (11), 138. Springer NY.
86) R.M. Lobayan & R. C. Bochicchio: “Do Organometallic CH4-Me+p Adducts and X4H+ (X = P, As) Clusters Undergo Two-Electron Three-Center Interactions? Some Aspects of Discussion”; Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119 (27), pp. 7000-7012. ACS.
87) M. Van Raemdonck, D. R. Alcoba, W. Poelmans, S. De Baerdemacker, A. Torre, L. Lain, G.E. Massaccesi & P. Bultinck: “Polynomial scaling approximations and dynamic correlation corrections to doubly occupied configuration interaction wave functions”; Journal of Chemical Physics, 143 (10), art. 104106. AIP.
88) W. Poelmans, M. Van Raemdonck, B. Verstichel, S. De Baerdemacker, A. Torre, L. Lain, G.E. Massaccesi, D. R. Alcoba, P. Bultinck & D. Van Neck: “Variational Optimization of the Second-Order Density Matrix Corresponding to a Seniority-Zero Configuration Interaction Wave Function”; Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 11 (9), pp. 4064-4076. ACS.
89) D.R. Alcoba, O.B. Oña, G.E. Massaccesi, A. Torre, L. Lain, R. Notario & J.M. Oliva: “Molecular magnetism in closo-azadodecaborane supericosahedrons”; Molecular Physics, 2015. Taylor and Francis.
90) A. Torre, L. Lain, D.R. Alcoba, O.B. Oña & G.E. Massaccesi: “A study of the compactness of wave functions based on Shannon entropy indices: a seniority number approach”; Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 134 (7), 85. Springer NY.
91) J.M. Oliva, D.R. Alcoba, O.B. Oña, A. Torre, L. Lain & J.Michi: “Toward (car)borane-based molecular magnets”; Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 134 (2), 9. Springer NY.
92) O.B. Oña, J.J. Torres Vega, A. Torre, L. Lain, D.R. Alcoba, A. Vasquez Espinal & W.Tiznado: “Chemical bonding analysis in boron clusters by means of localized orbitals according to the electron localization function topology”; Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 134 (3). Springer NY.
93) F.M. Fernàndez, D.R.Alcoba, O. B. Oña, A. Torre & L. Laín: “Electronic densities in systems with fractionally charged nuclei: a symmetry breaking study”; Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 53 (1), pp. 236-249. AIP.
94) M. Caldarola, P. Albella, E. Cortès, M. Rahmani, G. Grinblat, R.F. Oulton, A. V. Bragas & S.A.Maier: “Non-plasmonic nanoantennas fos surface enhanced spectroscopies with ultra-low heat conversion”; Nature Communications, 6, 7915. Nature Pub. Group.
95) A.F. Scarpettini & A. V. Bragas: “Harmonic demodulation and minimum enhancement factors in field-enhanced near-field optical microscopy”; Journal of Microscopy, 257 (1), pp. 54-64. Wiley-Blackwell.
96) J.Wieczorek, R.S. Malik Sheriff, Y. Fermin, H.E. Grecco, E. Zamir & K.Ickstadt: “Uncovering distinct protein-network topologies in heterogeneous cell populations”; BMC Systems Biology, 9 (1), 24. Biomed Central.
97) L. Stegemann, K. C. Schuermann, C. A. Strassert, & H.E. Grecco: “Photofunctional Surfaces for Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy: Monitoring the Effects of Photogenerated Reactive Oxygen Species at Single Cell Level with Spatiotemporal Resolution”; Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7 (10), pp. 5944-5949. ACS.
98) M. Brunstein, A. Cattoni, L. Estrada & A. M. Yacomotti: “Improving image contrast in fluorescence microscopy with nanostructured substrates”; Optics Express, 23 (23), pp. 29772-29778. The Optical Society.
99) M. Brunstein, A. Cattoni, L. Estrada & A. M. Yacomotti: “Spectral properties of single gold nanoparticles in close proximity to biological fluorophores excited by 2-photon excitation”; Plos ONE, 10 (4), e0124975. Public Library of Science.
100) J. Cambiasso, S. Goyanes & S. Ledesma: “Holographic gratings recorded in poly(lactic acid)/azo-dye films”; Optical Materials, 47, pp. 72-77. Elsevier.
101) J. J.M. Varga, A.M.A. Solìs Prosser, L. Rebòn, A. Arias, L. Neves, C. Iemmi & S. Ledesma: “Preparing arbitrary pure states of spatial qudits with a single phase-only spatial light modulator”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 605 (1), art. 012035. IoP.
102) G. Costanzo, S. Goyanes & S. Ledesma: “Photobleaching effect in azo-dye containing epoxy resin films: The potentiality of carbon nanotubes as azo-dye dispensers”; Journal of Physics Conference Series, 605 (1), art. 012024. IoP.
103) J. Cambiasso, H. Garate, N. D`accorso, S. Ledesma & S. Goyanes: “Optical recording of stable holographic grating in a low Tg statistical copolymer covalently functionalized with an azo-dye”; Optical Materials, 49, pp. 141-146. Elsevier.
104) A. Peinado, A. Turpin, C. Iemmi, A. Màrquez, T.K. Kalkandjiev, J. Mompart & J. Campos: “Interferometric characterization of the structured polarized light beam produced by the conical refraction phenomenon”; Optics Express, 23, (14), pp. 18080-18091. The Optical Society.
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220) A, Aab, P. Abreu, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et Al.: “The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory”; Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 798, pp. 172-213. Elsevier.
221) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurements of the top quark branching ratios into channels with leptons and quarks with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. D, 92 (7), art. 072005. APS.
222) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for massive, long-lived particles using multitrack displaced vertices or displaced lepton pairs in pp collisions at √s = 8TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. D, 92 (7), art. 072004. APS.
223) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for the associated production of the Higgs boson with a top quark pair in multilepton final states with the ATLAS detector”; Physics Letters B, 749, pp. 519-541. Elsevier.
224) G.Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of exclusive γγ→ℓ+ℓ- production in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physics Letters B, 749, pp. 242-261. Elsevier.
225) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for photonic signatures of gauge-mediated supersymmetry in 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector SEARCH for PHOTONIC SIGNATURES of GAUGE- ⋯ G. AAD et al.”; Physical Rev. D, 92 (7), art. 072001. APS.
226) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Summary of the ATLAS experiment’s sensitivity to supersymmetry after LHC Run 1 — interpreted in the phenomenological MSSM”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015, (10), 134. Springer Verlag.
227) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Two-particle Bose–Einstein correlations in pp collisions at (Formula presented.) 0.9 and 7 TeV measured with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (10), 466, pp. 1-25. Springer New York.
228) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. : “Summary of the searches for squarks and gluinos using √s = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015, (10), 54. Springer Verlag.
229) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al (ATLAS Collaboration): “Study of the spin and parity of the Higgs boson in diboson decays with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (10), 476, pp. 1-36. Springer New York.
230) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (ATLAS Collaboration): “ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (10), 510, pp. 1-48. Springer New York.
231) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. : “Determination of the top-quark pole mass using (Formula presented.) + 1-jet events collected with the ATLAS experiment in 7 TeV pp collisions”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (10), 121. Springer Verlag.
232) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. : “Analysis of events with b-jets and a pair of leptons of the same charge in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (10), 150, pp. 1-51. Springer Verlag.
233) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. : “Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of electron and muon pair-production in pp collisions at (Formula Presented.) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (9), 49. Springer Verlag.
234) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. : “Measurement of charged-particle spectra in Pb+Pb collisions at (Formula presented.) = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (9), 50. Springer Verlag.
235) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. : “Search for heavy lepton resonances decaying to a Z boson and a lepton in pp collisions at (Formula presented.) = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (9), 108. Springer Verlag.
236) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for Dark Matter in Events with Missing Transverse Momentum and a Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Photons in pp Collisions at s =8TeV with the ATLAS Detector”; Physical Review Letters, 115 (3), art. 131801. APS.
237) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. : “Measurement of the correlation between flow harmonics of different order in lead-lead collisions at s NN =2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review C, 2015. APS.
238) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of differential J/ψ production cross sections and forward-backward ratios in p + Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector MEASUREMENT of DIFFERENTIAL J/ψ PRODUCTION ... G. AAD et al.”; Physical Review C, art. 034904. APS.
239) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Centrality and rapidity dependence of inclusive jet production in sNN=5.02 TeV proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector”; Physics Letters B, 748, pp. 392-413. Elsevier.
240) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. : “Search for production of vector-like quark pairs and of four top quarks in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collisions at (formula presented.) TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (8), 105. Springer Verlag.
241) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurements of the Total and Differential Higgs Boson Production Cross Sections Combining the H → γγ and H → ZZ∗ → 4 ℓ Decay Channels at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector”; Physical Review Letters, 115 (9), art. 091801. APS.
242) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for high-mass diphoton resonances in pp collisions at s =8TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review D, 92 (3), art. 032004. APS.
243) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (ATLAS Collaboration): “Search for heavy long-lived multi-charged particles in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV using the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (8), 362. Springer New York.
244) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for type-III seesaw heavy leptons in p p collisions at s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review D, 92 (3), art. 032001. APS.
245) A, Aab, P. Abreu, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum above 4 × 1018 eV using inclined events detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory”; Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015 (8), 049. IoP.
246) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (ATLAS Collaboration): “Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with top quarks and decaying into bb in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (7), 349. Springer New York.
247) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (ATLAS Collaboration): “Constraints on the off-shell Higgs boson signal strength in the high-mass ZZ and WW final states with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (7), 335. Springer New York.
248) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (ATLAS Collaboration): “Search for invisible decays of the Higgs boson produced in association with a hadronically decaying vector boson in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (7), 337. Springer New York.
249) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of the top quark mass in the tt → lepton+jets and tt → dilepton channels using √s = 7 TeV ATLAS data”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (7), 330. Springer New York.
250) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (ATLAS Collaboration): “Measurements of jet vetoes and azimuthal decorrelations in dijet events produced in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (11). Springer New York.
251) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for low-scale gravity signatures in multi-jet final states with the ATLAS detector at (Formula presented.) = 8 TeV”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (7), 32. Springer Verlag.
252) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Search for supersymmetry in events containing a same-flavour opposite-sign dilepton pair, jets, and large missing transverse momentum in (formula presented.) TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (7), 318. Springer New York.
253) A, Aab, P. Abreu, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Erratum: Muons in air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory: Measurement of atmospheric production depth (Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology (2014) 90 (012012)”; Physical Review D, 92 (1), art. 019903. APS.
254) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for long-lived, weakly interacting particles that decay to displaced hadronic jets in proton-proton collisions at s =8TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review D, 92 (1), art. 012010. APS.
255) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Evidence of Wγγ Production in pp Collisions at s =8TeV and Limits on Anomalous Quartic Gauge Couplings with the ATLAS Detector”; Physical Review Letters, 115 (3), art. 031802. APS.
256) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Observation and measurement of Higgs boson decays to WW∗ with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review D, 92 (1), art. 012006. APS.
257) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for a Heavy Neutral Particle Decaying to eμ, eτ, or μτ in pp Collisions at s =8TeV with the ATLAS Detector”; Physical Review Letters, 115 (3), art. 031801. APS.
258) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “A search for high-mass resonances decaying to τ+τ− in pp collisions at √s =8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (7), 157. Springer Verlag.
259) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (ATLAS Collaboration): “Search for new phenomena in final states with an energetic jet and large missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √S=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (7), 299. Springer New York.
260) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for massive supersymmetric particles decaying to many jets using the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at s =8TeV”; Physical Review D, 91 (11), art. 112016. APS.
261) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of the top pair production cross section in 8 TeV proton-proton collisions using kinematic information in the lepton+ jets final state with atlas measurement of the top pair production cross ... G. AAD et al.”; Physical Review D, 91 (11), art. 112013. APS.
262) A. Aab, P. Abreu, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et. Al.: “Search for patterns by combining cosmic-ray energy and arrival directions at the Pierre Auger Observatory”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (6), 269. Springer New York.
263) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for vectorlike B quarks in events with one isolated lepton, missing transverse momentum, and jets at s 8TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review D, 91 (11), art. 112011. APS.
264) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for a new resonance decaying to a W or Z boson and a Higgs boson in the ℓℓ/ℓν/νν+bb¯final states with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (6), 263. Springer New York.
265) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for a Charged Higgs Boson Produced in the Vector-Boson Fusion Mode with Decay H± →W±Z using pp Collisions at s =8TeV with the ATLAS Experiment”; Physical Review Letters, 114 (23), art. 231801. APS.
266) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for New Phenomena in Dijet Angular Distributions in Proton-Proton Collisions at s =8TeV Measured with the ATLAS Detector”; Physical Review Letters, 114 (22), art. 221802. APS.
267) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of three-jet production cross-sections in pp collisions at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy using the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (5), pp. 1-33. Springer New York.
268) A. Aab, P. Abreu, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et. Al.: “Improved limit to the diffuse flux of ultrahigh energy neutrinos from the Pierre Auger observatory”; Physical Rev. D, 91 (9), art. 092008. APS.
269) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of the charge asymmetry in dileptonic decays of top quark pairs in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (5), 61. Springer Verlag.
270) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Combined measurement of the higgs boson mass in pp collisions at s =7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS experiments”; Physical Review Letters, 114 (19), art. 191803. APS.
271) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al (The Atlas Collaboration).: “Search for direct pair production of a chargino and a neutralino decaying to the 125 GeV Higgs boson in (Formula presented.) collisions with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (5). Springer New York.
272) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al (The Atlas Collaboration).: “Observation and measurements of the production of prompt and non-prompt (Formula presented.) mesons in association with a (Formula presented.) boson in (Formula presented.) collisions at (Formula presented.) with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (5), 229, pp. 1-29. Springer New York.
273) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh in pp collisions at s=8TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physics Letters B, 744, pp. 163-183. Elsevier.
274) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al (The Atlas Collaboration).: “Search for production of WW/WZ resonances decaying to a lepton, neutrino and jets in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (5). Springer New York.
275) A. Aab, P. Abreu, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et. Al.: “Searches for anisotropies in the arrival directions of the highest energy cosmic rays detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory”; Astrophysical Journal, 804 (1), 15. IoP.
276) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for scalar charm quark pair production in pp collisions at s =8TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review Letters, 114 (16), art. 161801. APS.
277) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of Spin Correlation in Top-Antitop Quark Events and Search for Top Squark Pair Production in pp Collisions at √s =8 TeV Using the ATLAS Detector”; Physical Review Letters, 114 (14), art. 142001. APS.
278) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al (Atlas Collaboration).: “Search for W’→tb→qqbb decays in collisions at √ = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (4), pp. 1-23. Springer New York.
279) A. Aab, P. Abreu, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et. Al.: “Large scale distribution of ultra high energy cosmic rays detected at the Pierre Auger observatory with zenith angles up to 80°”; Astrophysical Journal, 802 (2), 111. IoP.
280) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Evidence for the Higgs-boson Yukawa coupling to tau leptons with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (4), 117, pp. 1-74. Springer Verlag.
281) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al (Atlas Collaboration).: “Measurement of the top-quark mass in the fully hadronic decay channel from ATLAS data at (Formula presented.)”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (4), pp. 1-26. Springer New York.
282) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for squarks and gluinos in events with isolated leptons, jets and missing transverse momentum at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (4), 116. Springer Verlag.
283) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for higgs and Z boson decays to J/ψγ and (nS)γ with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review Letters, 114 (12), art. 121801. APS.
284) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for a Charged Higgs Boson Produced in the Vector-Boson Fusion Mode with Decay H± →W±Z using pp Collisions at s =8TeV with the ATLAS Experiment”; Physical Review Letters, 114 (23), art. 231801. APS.
285) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for New Phenomena in Dijet Angular Distributions in Proton-Proton Collisions at s =8TeV Measured with the ATLAS Detector”; Physical Review Letters, 114 (22), art. 221802. APS.
286) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al (Atlas Collaboration).: “Measurement of three-jet production cross-sections in pp collisions at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy using the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 75 (5), pp. 1-33. Springer New York.
287) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Improved limit to the diffuse flux of ultrahigh energy neutrinos from the Pierre Auger observatory”; Physical Review D, 91 (9), art. 092008. APS.
288) The Atlas Collaboration, G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of the charge asymmetry in dileptonic decays of top quark pairs in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 (5), 61. Springer Verlag.
289) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Combined measurement of the higgs boson mass in pp collisions at s =7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS experiments”; Physical Review Letters, 114 (19), art. 191803. APS.
Ultima actualización (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.): 22 de Marzo de 2016
1) P. Dmitruk, P.D. Mininni, A.Pouquet, S. Servidio & W.H. Matthaeus: “Magnetic field reversals and long-time memory in conducting flows”; Physical Rev E, 90 (4), art. 043010. APS.
2) P. Clark Di Leoni, P. Cobelli & P.D. Mininni: “Wave turbulence in shallow water models”, Physical Rev E, 89 (6), art. 063025. APS.
3) D. Gómez, C.Bejarano & P. Mininni.: “Erratum: Kelvin-Helmholtz versus Hall magnetoshear instability in astrophysical flows”; Physical Rev E, 89 (6), art. 069906. APS.
4) D. Gómez, C.Bejarano & P. Mininni.: “Kelvin-Helmholtz versus Hall magnetoshear instability in astrophysical flows”; Physical Rev E, 89 (6), art. 053105. APS.
5) P.D. Mininni, P. Dmitruk, P. Odier, J.F. Pinton, N. Pilhon, G. Verhille, R. Volk & M. Bourgoin : “Long-term memory in experiments and numerical simulations of hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence”; Physical Rev E, 89 (5), art. 053005. APS.
6) M. Obligado, T. Teitelbaum, A. Cartellier, P.D. Mininni & M. Bourgoin : “Preferential concentration of heavy particles in turbulence”; Journal of Turbulence, 15 (5), pp. 293-310. IoP.
7) C. Rorai, P.D. Mininni & A.Pouquet: “Turbulence comes in bursts in stably stratified flows”; Physical Rev E, 89 (4), art. 043002. APS.
8) P. Clark di Leoni, P.J. Cobelli, P.D. Mininni, P. Dmitruk &W.H. Matthaeus: “Quantification of the strength of inertial waves in a rotating turbulent flow”; Physics of Fluids, 26 (3), art. 035106. AIP.
9) N. Andrès, C. Gonzalez, L. Martin, P.A. Dmitruk & D.O. Gómez: “Two-fluid turbulence including electron inertia”; Physics of Plasmas, 21 (12), art. 122305. AIP.
10) S. Dalena, A.F. Rapazzo, P.A. Dmitruk, A. Greco & W.H. Matthaeus: “Test-particle acceleration in a hierarchical three-dimensional turbulence model”; Astrophysical Journal, 783 (2), 143. IoP.
11) N. Andrès, L. Martin, P.A. Dmitruk & D.O. Gómez: “Effects of electron inertia in collisionless magnetic reconnection”; Physics of Plasmas, 21 (7), art. 072904. AIP.
12) N. Romanelli, D. O. Gómez, C. Bertucci & M. Delva: “Steady-state magnetohydrodynamic flow around an unmagnetized conducting sphere”; Astrophysical Journal, 789 (1), 43. IoP.
13) P. Chuychai, J. M. Weygand, W.H. Matthaeus,S. Dasso, C.W. Smith & M. G. Kivelson: “Technique for measuring and correcting the Taylor microscale”; Journal of Geophysical Research : Space Physics, 119 (6), pp. 4256-4265. AGU.
14) M. Janvier, P. Démoulin & S. Dasso: “Are There Different Populations of Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind?”; Solar Physics, 289 (7), pp. 2633-2652. Springer Netherlands.
15) M.E. Ruíz, S. Dasso, W.H. Matthaeus & J. M. Weygand: “Characterization of the Turbulent Magnetic Integral Length in the Solar Wind: From 0.3 to 5 Astronomical Units”; Solar Physics, 289 (10), pp. 3917-3933. Springer Netherlands.
16) M. Janvier, P. Démoulin & S. Dasso: “Mean shape of interplanetary shocks deduced from in situ observations and its relation with interplanetary CMEs”; Astronomy & Astrophysics, 565, A99. EDP Sciences.
17) A. Aab, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et al.: “Origin of atmospheric aerosols at the Pierre Auger Observatory using studies of air mass trajectories in South America”; Atmospheric Research, 149, pp. 120-135. Elsevier BV.
18) A. Aab, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et al.: “Probing the radio emission from air showers with polarization measurements”; Physical Review D, 89 (5), 052002. APS.
19) A. Aab, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et al.: “A search for point sources of EeV photons”; Astrophysical Journal, 789 (2), 160. IoP.
20) A. Aab, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et al.: “A targeted search for point sources of EeV neutrons”; Astrophysical Journal Letters, 789 (2), L34. IoP.
21) A. Aab, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et al.: “Muons in air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory: Measurement of atmospheric production depth”; Physical Review D, 90 (1), 012012. APS.
22) A. Aab, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et al.: “Reconstruction of inclined air showers detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory”; Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014 (8), 019. IoP.
23) A. Aab, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et al.: “Depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory. II. Composition implications”; Physical Review D, 90 (12), 122006. APS.
24) A. Aab, S. Dasso, R. Piegaia et al.: “Depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory. I. Measurements at energies above 1017.8eV”; Physical Review D, 90 (12), 122005. APS.
25) J. M. Carcione, V. Grunhut & A. Osella: “Mathematical analogies in physics. Thin-layer wave theory”; Annals of Geophysics, 57 (1), G0186. Editrice Compositori srl.
26) L. Bernal & L. Bilbao: “On the possibility of measuring the optical spectrum of light sources by means of a rotating mirror”; Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 511 (1), 012085. IoP.
27) P. Alexander, A. De La Torre, R. Hierro & P. Llamedo: “Assessment of precision in ionospheric electron density profiles retrieved by GPS radio occultations”; Advances in Space Research, 54 (11), pp. 2249-2258. Elsevier Limited.
28) A. De La Torre, P. Alexander, P. Llamedo , R. Hierro, B. Nava, S. Radicella, T. Schmidt & J. Wickert: “Wave activity at ionospheric heights above the Andes Mountains detected from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC GPS radio occultation data”; Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (3), pp. 2046-2051. AGU.
29) J. L. Gallego, F. Minotti & D. Grondona: “Experimental and theoretical study of the efficiency of a three-electrode reactor for the removal of NO”; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47 (20), art. 205202. IoP.
30) M. Fazio, A. Kleiman, D.G. Lamas, D. Grondona & A. Marquez: “Optimization of a PIII&D system using a cathodic arc with titanium”; Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 511 (1), art. 012069. IoP.
31) B.R. Mancinelli, F.O. Minotti, L. Prevosto & H. Kelly: “Numerical investigation of the double-arcing phenomenon in a cutting arc torch”; Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (2), art. 023301. AIP.
32) B.R. Mancinelli, F.O. Minotti, L. Prevosto & H. Kelly: “Numerical modeling of a cutting torch”; Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 511 (1), art. 012071. IoP.
33) F. Bermeo, H.D. Torre, A. Kleiman, F.O. Minotti & A. Márquez: “Characterization of titanium films deposited with a cathodic arc using a straight magnetic duct”; Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 511 (1), art. 012070. IoP.
34) A. Kleiman, D.G. Lamas, A.F.Craievich & A. Márquez: “X-ray reflectivity analysis of titanium dioxide thin films grown by cathodic arc deposition”; Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14 (5), pp. 3902-3909. ASP.
35) L. Prevosto & H. Kelly: “On the use of the double floating probe method to infer the difference between the electron and the heavy particles temperatures in an atmospheric pressure, vortex-stabilized nitrogen plasma jet”; Review of Scientific Instruments, 85 (5), art. 053507. AIP.
36) L. J. Pellizza, M. G. Mayochi & L. Ciocci Brazzano: “An experiment to measure the instantaneous distance to the Moon”; American Journal of Physics, 82 (4), 311. AAPT.
37) A.J. Roncaglia, F. Cerisola & J.P. Paz : “Work measurement as a generalized quantum measurement”; Physical Rev. Letters, Vol. 113 (25), 250601. APS.
38) N. Freitas & J.P. Paz : “Analytic solution for heat flow through a general harmonic network”; Physical Review E, 90 (4), 042128. APS.
39) M. Pfender, N. Aslam, N. Waldherr, P. Neumann, J. Wrachtrup & J.P. Paz : “Single-spin stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy”; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 111 (41), pp. 14669-14674. Nat. Acad of Sciences -USA.
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180) E. Calzetta & A. Kandus: “Primordial magnetic helicity from stochastic electric currents”; Physical Rev. D, 89 (8) art. 083012. APS.
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182) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurements of spin correlation in top-antitop quark events from proton-proton collisions at s =7TeV using the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. D, 90 (11), art. 112016. APS.
183) G.Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of Higgs boson production in the diphoton decay channel in pp collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. D, 90 (11). APS.
184) G.Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Comprehensive measurements of t -channel single top-quark production cross sections at s =7TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. D, 90 (11), art. 112006. APS.
185) G.Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for nonpointing and delayed photons in the diphoton and missing transverse momentum final state in 8 TeV pp collisions at the LHC using the ATLAS detector search for nonpointing and delayed photons in ... G. Aad et al.”; Physical Rev. D, 90 (11), art. 112005. APS.
186) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Observation of an excited Bc± meson state with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review Letters, 113 (21), art. 212004. APS.
187) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for new resonances in Wγ and Zγ final states in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physics Letters B, 738, pp. 428-447. Elsevier.
188) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for Scalar Diphoton Resonances in the Mass Range 65-600 GeV with the ATLAS Detector in pp Collision Data at s =8TeV”; Physical Review Letters, 113 (17), art. 171801. APS.
189) G.Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurements of normalized differential cross sections for t t ¯ production in pp collisions at (s) =7TeV using the ATLAS detector MEASUREMENTS of normalized differential ... G. Aad et al.”; Physical Rev. D, 90 (7), art. 072004. APS.
190) G.Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of long-range pseudorapidity correlations and azimuthal harmonics in sNN =5.02 TeV proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. C, 90 (4), art. 044906. APS.
191) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for WZ resonances in the fully leptonic channel using pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physics Letters B, 737, pp. 223-243. Elsevier.
192) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Evidence for electroweak production of W±W±jj in pp collisions at s =8TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review Letters, 113 (14), art. 141803. APS.
193) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for supersymmetry in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least one tau lepton in 20 fb-1 of s \sqrt{s} = 8 TeV proton-proton collision data with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (9), art. 8885. Springer Verlag.
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197) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of the Higgs boson mass from the H →γγ and H →ZZ∗ →4channels in pp collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. D, 90 (5), art. 052004. APS.
198) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for supersymmetry in events with four or more leptons in s =8TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. D, 90 (5), art. 052001. APS.
199) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “A neural network clustering algorithm for the ATLAS silicon pixel detector”; Journal of Instrumentation, 9 (9), art. P09009. IoP.
200) G.Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of event-plane correlations in s NN =2.76 TeV lead-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. C, 90 (2), art. 024905. APS.
201) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for dark matter in events with a Z boson and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at s =8TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. D, 90 (1), art. 012004. APS.
202) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Monitoring and data quality assessment of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter”; Journal of Instrumentation, 9 (7), art. P07024. IoP.
203) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurements of four-lepton production at the Z resonance in pp collisions at s =7 and 8 TeV with ATLAS”; Physical Review Letters, 112 (23), art. 231806. APS.
204) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. : “Measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry parameter αb and the helicity amplitudes for the decay Λb0 →J /ψ Λ0 with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. D, 89 (9), art. 092009. APS.
205) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for Higgs boson decays to a photon and a Z boson in pp collisions at s=7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physics Letters B, 732, pp. 8-27. Elsevier.
206) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Study of heavy-flavor quarks produced in association with top-quark pairs at s =7TeV using the ATLAS detector”; Physical Rev. D, 89 (7), art. 072012. APS.
207) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. : “Measurement of the inclusive isolated prompt photons cross section in pp collisions at s =7TeV with the ATLAS detector using 4.6fb-1”; Physical Rev. D, 89 (5), art. 052004. APS.
208) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for quantum black hole production in high-invariant-mass lepton + jet final states using pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV and the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review Letters, 112 (9), art. 091804. APS.
209) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. ( THE ATLAS COLLABORATION : “Electron and photon energy calibration with the ATLAS detector using LHC Run 1 data”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (11). Springer New York.
210) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. ( THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Search for top squark pair production in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum in (Formula presented.)= 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (11). Springer Verlag.
211) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. ( THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Search for pair and single production of new heavy quarks that decay to a Z boson and a third-generation quark in pp collisions at (Formula presented.) TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of Mountain Science, 2014 (11), pp. 1-54. Science Press.
212) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. ( THE ATLAS COLLABORATION : “Measurement of the muon reconstruction performance of the ATLAS detector using 2011 and 2012 LHC proton–proton collision data”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (11). Springer New York.
213) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. ( THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Search for supersymmetry in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least one tau lepton in 20 fb−1 of √s= 8 TeV proton-proton collision data with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (9), art. 103. Springer Verlag.
214) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. ( THE ATLAS COLLABORATION : “Measurement of the (Math presented.) and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (10), pp. 1-32. Springer New York.
215) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. ( THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Measurement of the production cross-section of ψ(2S) → J/ψ(→μ+μ−)π+π− in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV at ATLAS”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (9). Springer Verlag.
216) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for microscopic black holes and string balls in final states with leptons and jets with the ATLAS detector at √s = 8 TeV”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (8), art. 103. Springer Verlag.
217) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of the top quark pair production charge asymmetry in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (2), art. 107. Springer Verlag.
218) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for top quark decays t → qH with H → γγ using the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (6), art. 008. Springer Verlag.
219) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. ( THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Search for neutral Higgs bosons of the minimal supersymmetric standard model in pp collisions at √s= TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (11). Springer Verlag.
220) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. ( THE ATLAS COLLABORATION) : “Measurement of flow harmonics with multi-particle cumulants in Pb+Pb collisions at (Formula presented.) TeV with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (11), pp. 1-28. Springer New York.
221) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. ( THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Search for long-lived neutral particles decaying into lepton jets in proton-proton collisions at √s= 8TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (11). Springer Verlag.
222) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Measurement of differential production cross-sections for a Z boson in association with b-jets in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (10), pp. 1-49. Springer Verlag.
223) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Light-quark and gluon jet discrimination in (Formula presented.) collisions at (Formula presented.) with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (8), pp. 1-29. Springer New York.
224) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Fiducial and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production measured in the four-lepton decay channel in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; Physics Letters B, 738, pp. 234-253. Elsevier.
225) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Measurements of jet vetoes and azimuthal decorrelations in dijet events produced in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (11). Springer New York.
226) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “A measurement of the ratio of the production cross sections for W and Z bosons in association with jets with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (12). Springer New York.
227) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Erratum: Search for new phenomena in final states with large jet multiplicities and missing transverse momentum at √s = 8 TeV proton-proton collisions using the ATLAS experiment (Journal of High Energy Physics (2013) 10 (130))”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (1), 109. Springer Verlag.
228) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Search for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum using s=8 TeV proton-proton collision data”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (9), 176. Springer Verlag.
229) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Search for direct production of charginos and neutralinos in events with three leptons and missing transverse momentum in ps = 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (4), 169. Springer Verlag.
230) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Measurement of distributions sensitive to the underlying event in inclusive Z-boson production in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (12). Springer New York.
231) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Muon reconstruction efficiency and momentum resolution of the ATLAS experiment in proton–proton collisions at √s=7 TeV in 2010”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (9). Springer New York.
232) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Measurements of fiducial and differential cross sections for Higgs boson production in the diphoton decay channel at √s = 8 TeV with ATLAS”; Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 (9), 112. Springer Verlag.
233) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy for charged particle production in √ sNN = 2.76 TeV lead-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector”; Physical Review C, 86 (1), 014907. APS.
234) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Search for contact interactions and large extra dimensions in the dilepton channel using proton–proton collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (12). Springer New York.
235) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al. (THE ATLAS COLLABORATION): “Measurement of the centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of the integrated elliptic flow in lead–lead collisions at √sNN=2.76TeV with the ATLAS detector”; European Physical Journal C, 74 (8), pp. 1-25. Springer New York.
236) G. Aad, G. Otero y Garzón, R. Piegaia et Al.: “Measurement of the cross-section of high transverse momentum vector bosons reconstructed as single jets and studies of jet substructure in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”; New Journal of Physics, 16, art. 113013. IoP.
237) G. Aad, P. Abreu, R. Piegaia et Al.: “A targeted search for point sources of EeV neutrons”; Astrophysical Journal Letters, 782 (2), art. L34. IoP.
238) G. Aad, P. Abreu, R. Piegaia et Al.: “A search for point sources of EeV photons”; Astrophysical Journal, 789 (2), 160. IoP.
Ultima actualización ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.): 25 de Marzo de 2015
1) L.N. Martín, G. Devita, L. Sorriso-Valvo, P. Dmitruk, G. Nigro, L. Primavera &. Carbone: “Cancelation properties in Hall Magnetohydrodynamics with a strong guide magnetic field”; Physical Rev E, 88 (6), art. 063107. APS.
2) S. Donato, A. Greco, W.H. Matthaeus, S. Servidio & P. Dmitruk: “How to identify reconnecting current sheets in incomprensible Hall MHD turbulence”, Journal of Geophysical Research A, 118 (7), pp. 4033-4038. AGU.
3) S. Donato, A. Greco, P. Dmitruk, F. Valentini, A. Greco, P. Veltri, M. Wan, M.A. Shay, P.A. Cassay & W.H. Matthaeus: “Overview on numerical studies of reconnection and dissipation in the solar wind”; AIP Conf. Proc., 1539, pp. 99-104. AIP.
4) D. Gómez, L. N. Martín & P. Dmitruk.: “Magnetohydrodynamics in solar and space physics”; Advances in Space Research, 51 (10), pp. 1916-1923. Elsevier.
5) P. Rodriguez Imazio, L. N. Martín, P. Dmitruk & P.D. Mininni : “Intermittency in Hall Magnetohydrodynamics with a strong guide field”; Physics of Plasmas, 20 (5) , art. 052506. AIP.
6) P. Heás, C. Herzet, E. Mernin, D. Heitz & P.D. Mininni : “Bayesian estimation of turbulent motion”; IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35 (6), pp.1343-1356. IEEE Comp. Society.
7) E. Horne & P.D. Mininni : “Sign cancellation and scaling in the vertical component of velocity and vorticity in rotating turbulence”; Physical Review E, 88 (1), art. 013011. APS.
8) P. Rodriguez Imazio & P.D. Mininni : “Passive scalar cascades in rotating helical and non-helical flows”; Physica Scripta, 88 (T155), art. 014037. Institute of Physics Pub.
9) P. Rodriguez Imazio & P.D. Mininni : “Effective diffusivity of passive scalars in rotating turbulence”; Physical Review E, 87 (2), art. 023018. APS.
10) A. Pouquet, A. Sen, D. Rosenberg, P.D. Mininni & J. Baerenzung: “Inverse cascades in turbulence and the case of rotating flows”; Physica Scripta, 88 (T155), art. 014032. Institute of Physics Pub.
11) C. Rorai, D. Rosenberg, A. Pouquet & P. D. Mininni : “Helicity dynamics in stratified turbulence in the absence of forcing”; Physical Review E, 87 (6), art. 063007. APS.
12) R. Marino, P. D. Mininni, D. Rosenberg & A. Pouquet : “Inverse cascades in rotating stratified turbulence: fast growth of large scales”; Europhysics Letters, 102 (4), art. 44006. IoP Pub.
13) J. Clyne, P.D. Mininni & A. Norton : “Physically based feature tracking for CFD data” ; IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19 (6), pp. 1020-1033, art. 6269875. IEEE Comp. Society.
14) A. Pouquet & P.D. Mininni: ““Inverse cascades behavior in freely decaying two dimensional fluid turbulence” ; Physical Review E, 87 (3), art. 033002. APS.
15) Brachet, M. E., Bustamante, M.D., Krstulovic, G., P.D. Mininni, A. Pouquet & D. Rosenberg: “Ideal evolution of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence when imposing Taylor-Green symmetries”; Physical Review E, 87 (1), art. 013110. APS.
16) C. Bertucci, N. Romanelli, J.Y. Chaufray, D. Gómez, C. Mazelle, M. Delva, R. Modolo, F. Gonzalez Galindo & D.A. Brain : “Temporal variability of waves of the proton cyclotron frequency upstream from Mars: Implications for Mars distant hydrogen exosphere”; Geophysical Res. Letters, 40 (15) , pp. 3809-3813. AGU.
17) N. Andrès, D. Gómez, C. Bertucci, C. Mazelle &M.K. Dougherty : “Saturn`s ULF weaev foreshock boundary: Cassini observations”; Planetary and Space Science, 79-80 (1), pp. 64-75. ELSEVIER.
18) N. Romanelli, C. Bertucci, D. Gómez, C Mazelle & M. Delva: “Proton cyclotron waves upstream from Mars: Observations from Mars Global Surveyor; Planetary and Space Science, 76 (1), pp. 1-9.Elsevier.
19) A. Le Goff, P. Cobelli & G. Lagubeau : “Supershear Rayleigh waves at a soft interface”; Physical Review Letters, 110 (23), art. 236101. APS.
20) Abreu, P., Aglietta, M., Dasso, S., Piegaia, R. et Al : “Identifying clouds over the Pierre Auger Observatory using infrared satellite data”; Astroparticle Physics, 50-52,2013, pp. 92-101. Elsevier.
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