Coloquio: Multidimensional optical multiplexing
- 2025-03-13 14:35 |
- Aula Federman
1. S. Iguri, M. Castagnino
Some Remarks on the Gelfand-Naimark-Segal Representations of Topological *-algebras.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 49, 033510, 2008.
2. M. Castagnino, O. Lombardi, L. Vanni,
Hacia una interpretación ontológica del pluralismo en mecánica cuántica ,
Filosofía e Historia da Ciencia no Cono Sul, Eds. R. de Andrade Martins, et al, AFHIC 2008, Campinas, 321-330.
3. O. Lombardi, M. Castagnino
A modal-Hamiltonian interpretation of quantum mechanics,
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 39, 380-443, 2008,
4. M, Aiello, M. Castagnino, O. Lombardi,
The arrow of time: from global asymmetry to local irreversible processes
Foundations of Physics, 38, 257-292, 2008.
5. M. Castagnino, S. Fortin, R. Laura. O. Lombardi.
A general theoretical framework for decoherence in open and closed systems,
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 25, 154002, 2008.
6. Castagnino, O. Lombardi,
The role of the Hamiltonian in the interpretation of quantum mechanics,
Journal of Physics (Conference Series), 128, 012014, 2008.
7. P.W. Wachulak, M.G. Capeluto, C.S. Menoni, J.J. Rocca, M.C Marconi..
Nanopatterning in a compact setup using table top extreme ultraviolet lasers
Opto-Electronics Review, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp.444-450 (2008)
8. H. Zastawny , R. Sosa, D. Grondona, A. Márquez, G. Artana, H. Kelly
Development of a trielectrode plasma curtain at atmospheric pressure;
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 93 031501 2008.
9. R.Sosa, H.Kelly, D.Grondona, A.Márquez, G.Artana and V. Lago;
Electrical and Plasma Characteristics of a Quasi-Steady Sliding Discharge
J.Phys D: Appl. Phys. Vol 41, 035202 (8 pages), 2008
10. Cassam-Chenaï, Gamil; Hughes, John P.; Reynoso, Estela M.; Badenes, Carles; Moffett, David
Morphological Evidence for Azimuthal Variations of the Cosmic-Ray Ion Acceleration at the Blast Wave of SN 1006
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 680, Issue 2, pp. 1180-1197. JUN 2008
11. Mitnik, DM; Randazzo, J; Gasaneo, G
Endohedrally confined helium: Study of mirror collapses
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78 (6): Art. No. 062501 Part A DEC 2008
12. Lee, E; Brachet, ME; Pouquet, A; Mininni, PD; Rosenberg, D
Paradigmatic flow for small-scale magnetohydrodynamics: Properties of the ideal case and the collision of current sheets
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 78 (6): Art. No. 066401 Part 2 DEC 2008
13. Chimento, LP; Zimdahl, W
14. Ferraro, R; Fiorini, F
Born-Infeld gravity in Weitzenbock spacetime
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 78 (12): Art. No. 124019 DEC 2008
15. Teitelbaum, T; Balenzuela, P; Cano, P; Buldu, JM
Community structures and role detection in music networks
CHAOS, 18 (4): Art. No. 043105 DEC 2008
16. Fosco, CD; Lombardo, FC; Mazzitelli, FD
Casimir effect with dynamical matter on thin mirrors
PHYSICS LETTERS B, 669 (5): 371-375 NOV 27 2008
17. Eiroa, EF ; Richarte, MG; Simeone, C
Thin-shell wormholes in Brans-Dicke gravity
PHYSICS LETTERS A, 373 (1): 1-4 DEC 22 2008
18. Grinberg, H
Nonclassical Effects of a Two-Level Spin System Interacting with a Two-Mode Cavity Field via Two-Photon Transition
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 112 (50): 16140-16157 DEC 18 2008
19. Aad, G et al.
The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
20. Scoccola, CG; Landau, SJ; Vucetich, H
WMAP 5-year constraints on time variation of alpha and m(e) in a detailed recombination scenario
PHYSICS LETTERS B, 669 (3-4): 212-216 NOV 17 2008
21. Estrada, LC; Aramendia, PF; Martinez, OE
10000 times volume reduction for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy using nano-antennas
OPTICS EXPRESS, 16 (25): 20597-20602 DEC 8 2008
22. Mininni, P; Lee, E; Norton, A; Clyne, J
Flow visualization and field line advection in computational fluid dynamics: application to magnetic fields and turbulent flows
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 10: Art. No. 125007 DEC 1 2008
23. Cataldo, M; Chimento, LP
24. Miraglia, JE; Gravielle, MS
Ionization of the He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe isoelectronic series by proton impact
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78 (5): Art. No. 052705 NOV 2008
25. Jezek, DM; Capuzzi, P; Guilleumas, M; Mayol, R
Stationary rings of vortices in nonrotating Bose-Einstein condensates
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78 (5): Art. No. 053616 NOV 2008
26. Gomez, DO; Mahajan, SM; Dmitruk, P
Hall magnetohydrodynamics in a strong magnetic field
PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 15 (10): Art. No. 102303 OCT 2008
27. Lizana, A; Moreno, I; Marquez, A; Iemmi, C; Fernandez, E; Campos, J; Yzuel, MJ
Time fluctuations of the phase modulation in a liquid crystal on silicon display: characterization and effects in diffractive optics
OPTICS EXPRESS, 16 (21): 16711-16722 OCT 13 2008
28. Chimento, LP; Lazkoz, R
Bridging geometries and potentials in DBI cosmologies
29. Bruno, L; Echarte, MM; Levi, V
Exchange of Microtubule Molecular Motors During Melanosome Transport in Xenopus laevis Melanophores is Triggered by Collisions with Intracellular Obstacles
30. Levi, V; Giraldo, AMV; Castello, PR; Rossi, JPFC; Flecha, FLG
Effects of phosphatidylethanolamine glycation on lipid-protein interactions and membrane protein thermal stability
BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 416: 145-152 Part 1 NOV 15 2008
31. Moreno, GA; Barrachina, RO
A velocity-dependent potential of a rigid body in a rotating frame
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 76 (12): 1146-1149 DEC 2008
32. Solovey, G; Fraiman, D; Pando, B; Ponce Dawson, S
Simplified model of cytosolic Ca2+ dynamics in the presence of one or several clusters of Ca2+-release channels
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 78 (4): Art. No. 041915 Part 1 OCT 2008
33. de Florian, D; Vogelsang, W; Wagner, F
Single-inclusive hadron production in transversely polarized pp and (p)overbarp collisions with threshold resummation
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 78 (7): Art. No. 074025 OCT 2008
34. Landau, SJ; Mosquera, ME; Scoccola, CG; Vucetich, H)
Early universe constraints on time variation of fundamental constants
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 78 (8): Art. No. 083527 OCT 2008
35. Garbarz, A; Giribet, G; Mazzitelli, FD
Conformal invariance and apparent universality of semiclassical gravity
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 78 (8): Art. No. 084014 OCT 2008
36. Lombardo, FC; Mazzitelli, FD; Villar, PI
Numerical evaluation of the Casimir interaction between cylinders
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 78 (8): Art. No. 085009 OCT 2008
37. Id Betan, R; Dussel, GG; Liotta, RJ
Assessment of the importance of the pairing interaction in the continuum
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 78 (4): Art. No. 044325 OCT 2008
38. Rozenberg, MJ; Chitra, R
Disorder effects in the quantum kagome antiferromagnet ZnCu3(OH)(6)Cl-2
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 78 (13): Art. No. 132406 OCT 2008
39. Capuzzi, P; Vignolo, P
Faraday waves in elongated superfluid fermionic clouds
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78 (4): Art. No. 043613 OCT 2008
40. Capuzzi, P; Hernandez, ES; Szybisz, L
Fluid-dynamical scheme for equilibrium properties of two trapped fermion species with pairing interactions
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78 (4): Art. No. 043619 OCT 2008
41. Frank, GA; Marconi, MC; Corti, HR
An Alternate Solution of the Fluorescence Recovery Kinetics after Spot-Bleaching for Measuring Diffusion Coefficients. 1. Theory and Numerical Analysis
JOURNAL OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY, 37 (11): 1575-1591 NOV 2008
42. Corti, HR; Frank, GA; Marconi, MC
An Alternate Solution of Fluorescence Recovery Kinetics after Spot-Bleaching for Measuring Diffusion Coefficients. 2. Diffusion of Fluorescein in Aqueous Sucrose Solutions
JOURNAL OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY, 37 (11): 1593-1608 NOV 2008
43. Ponty, Y; Mininni, PD; Laval, JP; Alexakis, A; Baerenzung, J; Daviaud, F; Dubrulle, B; Pinton, JF; Politano, H; Pouquet, A
Linear and non-linear features of the Taylor-Green dynamo
COMPTES RENDUS PHYSIQUE, 9 (7): 749-756 SEP 2008
44. Corti, HR; Frank, GA; Marconi, MC
Diffusion-Viscosity Decoupling in Supercooled Aqueous Trehalose Solutions
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 112 (41): 12899-12906 OCT 16 2008
45. Alcoba, DR; Ona, O; Torre, A; Lain, L; Bochicchio, RC
Determination of energies and electronic densities of functional groups according to partitionings in the physical space
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 112 (40): 10023-10028 OCT 9 2008
46. Amaricci, A; Sordi, G; Rozenberg, MJ
Non-fermi-liquid behavior in the periodic Anderson model
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 101 (14): Art. No. 146403 OCT 3 2008
47. Cuevas, M; Depine, RA
Excitation of surface plasmon polaritons along the sinusoidal boundary of a metamaterial
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 78 (12): Art. No. 125412 SEP 2008
48. Nacir, DL; Mazzitelli, FD
New counterterms induced by trans-Planckian physics in semiclassical gravity
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 78 (4): Art. No. 044001 AUG 2008
49. Dorado, LA; Depine, RA; Schinca, D; Lozano, G; Miguez, H
Experimental and theoretical analysis of the intensity of beams diffracted by three-dimensional photonic crystals
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 78 (7): Art. No. 075102 AUG 2008
50. Anda, EV; Chiappe, G; Busser, CA; Davidovich, MA; Martins, GB; Heidrich-Meisner, F; Dagotto, E
Method to study highly correlated nanostructures: The logarithmic-discretization embedded-cluster approximation
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 78 (8): Art. No. 085308 AUG 2008
51. Gravielle, MS; Miraglia, JE
Influence of the polarization in grazing scattering of fast helium atoms from LiF(001) surfaces
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78 (2): Art. No. 022901 Part A AUG 2008
52. Capuzzi, P; Federici, F; Tosi, MP
Annihilation of quantized vorticity in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate via the scattering of density perturbations
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78 (2): Art. No. 023604 Part B AUG 2008
53. Pirjol, D; Schat, C
Permutation group S-N and large N-c excited baryons
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 78 (3): Art. No. 034026 AUG 2008
54. Contreras, RH; Suardiaz, R; Perez, C; Crespo-Otero, R; Fabian, JS; de la Vega, JMG Karplus equation for (3)J(HH) spin-spin couplings with unusual (3)J(180 degrees) < (3)J(0 degrees) relationship
55. Richarte, MG; Simeone, C
Traversable wormholes in a string cloud
56. Chimento, LP; Forte, M
Unified model of baryonic matter and dark components
PHYSICS LETTERS B, 666 (3): 205-211 AUG 21 2008
57. Alvarez, E; Szynkman, A
Direct test of time reversal invariance violationin B-mesons
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, 23 (25): 2085-2091 AUG 20 2008
58. Alexander, P; de la Torre, A; Llamedo, P
Interpretation of gravity wave signatures in GPS radio occultations
59. Lizana, A; Moreno, I; Iemmi, C; Marquez, A; Campos, J; Yzuel, MJ
Time-resolved Mueller matrix analysis of a liquid crystal on silicon display
60. Eiroa, EF
Stability of thin-shell wormholes with spherical symmetry
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 78 (2): Art. No. 024018 JUL 2008
61. Perez, C; Suardiaz, R; Ortiz, PJ; Crespo-Otero, R; Bonetto, GM; Gavin, JA; de la Vega, JMG; Fabian, JS; Contreras, RH
On the unusual (2)J(C2-Hf) coupling dependence on syn/anti CHO conformation in 5-X-furan-2-carboxaldehydes
62. de Florian, D; Sassot, R; Stratmann, M; Vogelsang, W
Global analysis of helicity parton densities and their uncertainties
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 101 (7): Art. No. 072001 AUG 15 2008
63. Dussel, GG; Sofia, HM
Angular momentum decomposition of Richardson's pairs
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 78 (1): Art. No. 014316 JUL 2008
64. Schmidt, T; de la Torre, A; Wickert, J
Global gravity wave activity in the tropopause region from CHAMP radio occultation data
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 35 (16): Art. No. L16807 AUG 23 2008
65. Alcoba, DR; Bochicchio, RC; Lain, L; Torre, A
Covalent bond orders revisited: the open-shell case
66. Landau, SJ; Simeone, C
The time variation of the fine structure constant: a statistical analysis of astronomical data
ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 487 (3): 857-863 SEP 2008
67. Sitt, JD; Amador, A; Goller, F; Mindlin, GB
Dynamical origin of spectrally rich vocalizations in birdsong
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 78 (1): Art. No. 011905 Part 1 JUL 2008
68. Peralta-Ramos, J; Llois, AM; Rungger, I; Sanvito, S
I-V curves of Fe/MgO (001) single- and double-barrier tunnel junctions
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 78 (2): Art. No. 024430 JUL 2008
69. Cormick, C; Paz, JP
Decoherence of Bell states by local interactions with a dynamic spin environment
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78 (1): Art. No. 012357 JUL 2008
70. Demoulin, P; Nakwacki, MS; Dasso, S; Mandrini, CH
Expected in situ velocities from a hierarchical model for expanding interplanetary coronal mass ejections
SOLAR PHYSICS, 250 (2): 347-374 AUG 2008
71. Mese, AI; Capuzzi, P; Akdeniz, Z; Okan, SE; Tosi, MP
Coulomb crystallites from harmonically confined charged bosons in two dimensions
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 20 (33): Art. No. 335222 AUG 20 2008
72. Botek, E; Giribet, C; de Azua, MR; Negri, RM; Bernik, D
Evaluation of the molecular polarizability using the IPPP-CLOPPA-IND-O/S method. Application to molecules of biological interest
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 112 (30): 6992-6998 JUL 31 2008
73. Duhau, S; de Jager, C
The solar dynamo and its phase transitions during the last millennium
SOLAR PHYSICS, 250 (1): 1-15 JUL 2008
74. Nakwacki, MS; Dasso, S; Demoulin, P; Mandrini, CH
Dynamical evolution of magnetic flux ropes in the solar wind
75. Scoccola, CG; Mosquera, ME; Landau, SJ; Vucetich, H
Time variation of the electron mass in the early universe and the Barrow-Magueijo model
ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 681 (2): 737-746 JUL 10 2008
76. Arrachea, L
Voltage profile and four-terminal resistance of an interacting quantum wire
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 77 (23): Art. No. 233105 JUN 2008
77. Aiello, M; Bengochea, GR; Ferraro, R
Luminosity distance for Born-Infeld electromagnetic waves propagating in a cosmological magnetic background
78. Sheppard, CJR; Campos, J; Escalera, JC; Ledesma, S
Three-zone pupil filters
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 281 (14): 3623-3630 JUL 15 2008
79. Pasquini, G; Daroca, DP; Chiliotte, C; Lozano, GS; Bekeris, V
Ordered, disordered, and coexistent stable vortex lattices in NbSe2 single crystals
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 100 (24): Art. No. 247003 JUN 20 2008
80. Hernando, A; Hernandez, ES; Mayol, R; Pi, M
Helium in polygonal nanopores at zero temperature: Density functional theory calculations
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 77 (19): Art. No. 195431 MAY 2008
81. Paz, JP; Roncaglia, AJ
Dynamics of the entanglement between two oscillators in the same environment
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 100 (22): Art. No. 220401 JUN 6 2008
82. Skigin, DC; Depine, RA
Rigorous formulation for electromagnetic plane-wave scattering from a general-shaped groove in a perfectly conducting plane: comment
83. Bendersky, A; Pastawski, F; Paz, JP Title: Selective and efficient estimation of parameters for quantum process tomography
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 100 (19): Art. No. 190403 MAY 16 2008
84. Alvarez, E; Schat, C; Da Rold, L; Szynkman, A
Electroweak precision constraints on the Lee-Wick standard model
85. Levi, V; Gratton, E
Chromatin dynamics during interphase explored by single-particle tracking
CHROMOSOME RESEARCH, 16 (3): 439-449 MAY 2008
86. Ferraro, R; Lipchak, ME
Born-Infeld corrections to Coulombian interactions
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 77 (4): Art. No. 046601 Part 2 APR 2008
87. Fosco, CD; Lombardo, FC; Mazzitelli, FD
Casimir energies with finite-width mirrors
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 77 (8): Art. No. 085018 APR 2008
88. Garraffo, C; Giribet, G; Gravanis, E; Willison, S
Gravitational solitons and C-0 vacuum metrics in five-dimensional Lovelock gravity
89. Lederer, P; Rozenberg, MJ
Impurity scattering in a strongly correlated host
EPL, 81 (6): Art. No. 67002 MAR 2008
90. Alcoba, DR; Valdemoro, C; Tel, LM; Perez-Romero, E
Controlling the N- and S-representability of the second-order reduced density matrix: The doublet-state case
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77 (4): Art. No. 042508 APR 2008
91. Montanari, CC; Miraglia, JE; Behar, M; Duarte, PF; Arista, NR; Eckardt, JC; Lantschner, GH
Theoretical and experimental study of energy loss of Li ions in Zn
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77 (4): Art. No. 042901 APR 2008
92. Jezek, DM; Cataldo, HM
Vortex velocity field in inhomogeneous media: A numerical study in Bose-Einstein condensates
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77 (4): Art. No. 043602 APR 2008
93. Lester, M Skigin, DC ; Depine, RA
Control of the diffracted response of wire arrays with double periods
APPLIED OPTICS, 47 (11): 1711-1717 APR 10 2008
94. Inchaussandague, ME; Lakhtakia, A; Depine, RA
On metallic gratings coated conformally with isotropic negative-phase-velocity materials
PHYSICS LETTERS A, 372 (14): 2522-2526 MAR 31 2008
95. Moreno, I ; Lizana, A; Campos, J; Marquez, A; Iemmi, C; Yzuel, MJ
Combined Mueller and Jones matrix method for the evaluation of the complex modulation in a liquid-crystal-on-silicon display
OPTICS LETTERS, 33 (6): 627-629 MAR 15 2008
96. Simon, MC; Gottschalk, KV ; Simon, JM
The coincidence of ordinary and extraordinary rays in a uniaxial birefringent crystal
JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 55 (6): 959-974 2008
97. Bongiovanni, MV; Bonomo, N; de la Vega, M; Martino, L; Osella, A
Rapid evaluation of multifrequency EMI data to characterize buried structures at a historical Jesuit Mission in Argentina
98. Chimento, LP; Devecchi, FP; Forte, M; Kremer, GM
Phantom cosmologies and fermions
CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, 25 (8): Art. No. 085007 APR 21 2008
99. Graham, JP; Holm, DD; Mininni, PD; Pouquet, A
Three regularization models of the Navier-Stokes equations
PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 20 (3): Art. No. 035107 MAR 2008
100. Iguri, SM; Nunez, CA
Coulomb integrals for the SL(2, R) Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 77 (6): Art. No. 066015 MAR 2008
101. Alvarez, E; Mazzitelli, FD
Decoherence induced by Smith-Purcell radiation
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77 (3): Art. No. 032113 MAR 2008
102. Szybisz, L; Sartarelli, SA
Density profiles of Ar adsorbed in slits of CO2: Spontaneous symmetry breaking revisited
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 128 (12): Art. No. 124702 MAR 28 2008
103. Ison, MJ; Gulminelli, F ; Dorso, CO
Expansion dynamics of Lennard-Jones systems
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 77 (3): Art. No. 031109 Part 1 MAR 2008
104. Mininni, PD ; Alexakis, A ; Pouquet, A
Nonlocal interactions in hydrodynamic turbulence at high Reynolds numbers: The slow emergence of scaling laws
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 77 (3): Art. No. 036306 Part 2 MAR 2008
105. Francisco, D ; Ledesma, S
Classical optics analogy of quantum teleportation
106. Iguri, SM; Castagnino, MA
Some remarks on the Gelfand-Naimark-Segal representations of topological *-algebras
107. Valdemoro, C ; Tel, LM; Perez-Romero, E; Alcoba, DR
Four new forms of the contracted Schrodinger equation and their connection with the second-order hypervirial condition
108. Matthaeus, WH; Pouquet, A; Mininni, PD; Dmitruk, P; Breech, B
Rapid alignment of velocity and magnetic field in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 100 (8): Art. No. 085003 FEB 29 2008
109. Camjayi, A; Rozenberg, MJ; Chitra, R
Slave boson study of the doped Hubbard model
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 76 (19): Art. No. 195108 NOV 2007
110. Chitra, R; Rozenberg, MJ
Impurity effects in the quantum kagome system ZnCu3(OH)(6)Cl-2
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 77 (5): Art. No. 052407 FEB 2008
111. Cormick, C; Paz, JP
Decoherence induced by a dynamic spin environment: The universal regime
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77 (2): Art. No. 022317 FEB 2008
112. Kunik, D ; Luduena, SJ; Costantino, S ; Martinez, OE
Fluorescent two-photon nanolithography
113. Grinberg, H
Dynamics and nonclassical photon statistics in the interaction of two-level spin systems with a two-mode cavity field. A generalized Jaynes-Cummings model
114. Paron, S; Dubner, G; Reynoso, E; Rubio, M
High-resolution CO observations towards the bright eastern knot of the SNR Puppis A
ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 480 (2): 439-443 MAR 2008
115. Servidio, S; Matthaeus, WH ; Dmitruk, P
Depression of nonlinearity in decaying isotropic MHD turbulence
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 100 (9): Art. No. 095005 MAR 7 2008
116. Garbarino, G; Monteverde, M; Nunez-Regueiro, M ; Acha, C; Foo, ML; Cava, RJ
Pressure effects in the triangular layered cobaltites NaxCoO2
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 77 (6): Art. No. 064105 FEB 2008
117. Aiello, M ; Castagnino, M; Lombardi, O
The arrow of time: From universe time-asymmetry to local irreversible processes
FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS, 38 (3): 257-292 MAR 2008
118. Jezek, DM ; Capuzzi, P ; Cataldo, HM
Metastable off-axis vortices in nonrotating Bose-Einstein condensates
119. Sanchez, M; Ferraro, MB; Alkorta, I; Elguero, J; Sauer, SPA (
Atomic partition of the optical rotatory power of methylhydroperoxide
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 128 (6): Art. No. 064318 FEB 14 2008
120. Prevosto, L ; Kelly, H ; Mancinelli, B
On the use of sweeping Langmuir probes in cutting arc plasmas - Part I: Experimental results
121. Prevosto, L; Kelly, H; Minotti, F
On the use of sweeping Langmuir probes in cutting-arc plasmas - Part II: Interpretation of theresults
122. Oller, JA ; Roca, L; Schat, C
Improved dispersion relations for gamma gamma -> pi(0) pi(0)
PHYSICS LETTERS B, 659 (1-2): 201-208 JAN 17 2008
123. Ermann, L; Carlo, GG ; Saraceno, M
Transport phenomena in the asymmetric quantum multibaker map
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 77 (1): Art. No. 011126 Part 1 JAN 2008
124. Laje, R; Sciamarella, D; Zanella, J; Mindlin, GB
Bilateral source acoustic interaction in a syrinx model of an oscine bird
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 77 (1): Art. No. 011912 Part 1 JAN 2008
125. Marquez, A ; Moreno, I ; Iemmi, C; Lizana, A; Campos, J; Yzuel, MJ
Mueller-stokes characterization and optimization of a liquid crystal on silicon display showing depolarization
OPTICS EXPRESS, 16 (3): 1669-1685 FEB 4 2008
126. Ferraro, MB ; Caputo, MC ; Pagola, GI; Lazzeretti, P
Electric quadrupole polarizabilities of nuclear magnetic shielding in some small molecules
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 128 (4): Art. No. 044117 JAN 28 2008
127. Mosquera, ME; Scoccola, CG; Landau, SJ ; Vucetich, H
Time variation of the fine structure constant in the early universe and the Bekenstein model
ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 478 (3): 675-684 FEB 2008
128. Grinberg, H
Interaction of a two-level cyclic XY n-spin model with a TWo-Mode cavity field in off-resonant states
129. Martinez, OE; Balzarotti, F; Mingolo, N
Thermoreflectance and photodeflection combined for microscopic characterization of metallic surfaces
130. S. Goyanes, C.C. López, G. H. Rubiolo, F. Quasso, A. J. Marzocca
Thermal properties in cured natural rubber/styrene butadiene rubber blends
European Polymer Journal, 44(5), Pages 1525-1534, May 2008
131. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Missing Energy and Acoplanar b-Jet Topology at sqrt[s] =1.96 TeV
Phys. Rev. Lett.101, 251802(2008)
132. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Search for Third Generation Scalar Leptoquarks Decaying into Ï„b
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 241802 (2008)
133. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Measurement ofBs0Mixing Parameters from the Flavor-Tagged Decay Bs0→J/ψϕ
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 241801 (2008)
134. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Observation of the Doubly Strange bBaryon Ωb-
Phys. Rev. Lett.101, 232002(2008)
135. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons in Multi-b-Jet Events in ppÌ…Collisions at sqrt[s] =1.96TeV
Phys. Rev. Lett.101, 221802(2008)
136. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Search for Anomalous WtbCouplings in Single Top Quark Production
Phys. Rev. Lett.101, 221801(2008)
137. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Measurement of the Electron Charge Asymmetry in pp̅→W+X→eν+XEvents at sqrt[s] =1.96 TeV
Phys. Rev. Lett.101, 211801(2008)
138. V. M. Abazov et al. The D0 Collaboration
Measurement of the Forward-Backward Charge Asymmetry and Extraction of sinâ¡2θWeffin pp̅→Z/γ*+X→e+e-+XEvents Produced at sqrt[s] =1.96 TeV
Phys. Rev. Lett.101, 191801(2008)
139. V. M. Abazov et al. The DØ Collaboration
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140. V. M. Abazov et al. The DØ Collaboration
Precise Measurement of the Top-Quark Mass from lepton+jets Events
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Observation of ZZProduction in pp̅Collisions at sqrt[s] =1.96  TeV
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ZZ→l+l-νν̅production in pp̅collisions at sqrt[s] =1.96  TeV
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Search for Long-Lived Particles Decaying into Electron or Photon Pairs with the D0 Detector
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Search for Higgs Bosons Decaying to TauPairs in ppÌ…Collisions with the D0 Detector
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Search for Pair Production of Doubly Charged Higgs Bosons in the H++H--→μ+μ+μ-μ-Final State
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Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Section in ppÌ…Collisions at sqrt[s] =1.96TeV
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147. J. Abraham et al. The Pierre Auger Collaboration
Observation of the Suppression of the Flux of Cosmic Rays above 4×1019eV
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Search for Decay of a Fermiophobic Higgs Boson hf→γγwith the D0 Detector at sqrt[s] =1.96TeV
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Evidence for production of single top quarks
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150. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Observation of the BcMeson in the Exclusive Decay Bc→J/ψπ
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Search for Large Extra Dimensions via Single Photon plus Missing Energy Final States at sqrt[s] =1.96TeV
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First Study of the Radiation-Amplitude Zero in WγProduction and Limits on Anomalous WWγCouplings at sqrt[s] =1.96TeV
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153. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Search for Scalar Neutrino Superpartners in e+μFinal States in pp̅Collisions at sqrt[s] =1.96TeV
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154. V. M. Abazov et al. The D0 Collaboration
Search for W′Boson Resonances Decaying to a Top Quark and a Bottom Quark
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Study of Direct CPViolation in B±â†’J/ψK±(Ï€±) Decays
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156. J. Abraham et al. Pierre Auger Collaboration
Upper Limit on the Diffuse Flux of Ultrahigh Energy Tau Neutrinos from the Pierre Auger Observatory
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157. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Measurement of the ttÌ…Production Cross Section in ppÌ…Collisions at sqrt[s] =1.96TeV
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158. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Simultaneous Measurement of the Ratio R=B(t→Wb)/B(t→Wq) and the Top-Quark Pair Production Cross Section with the D0 Detector at sqrt[s] =1.96TeV
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Search for excited electronsin ppÌ…collisions at sqrt[s] =1.96TeV
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Measurement of the Forward-Backward Charge Asymmetry in Top-Quark Pair Production
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Search for ZZand Zγ* Production in pp̅Collisions at sqrt[s] =1.96  TeVand Limits on Anomalous ZZZand ZZγ* Couplings
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Search for Flavor-Changing-Neutral-Current DMeson Decays
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Measurement of the Shape of the Boson-Transverse Momentum Distribution in pp̅→Z/γ*→e+e-+XEvents Produced at sqrt[s] =1.96  TeV
Phys. Rev. Lett.100, 102002(2008)
165. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Search for Randall-Sundrum Gravitons with 1  fb-1of Data from pp̅Collisions at sqrt[s] =1.96  TeV
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166. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Observation and Properties of the Orbitally Excited Bs2*Meson
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167. V. M. Abazov et al. D0 Collaboration
Model-Independent Measurement of the W-Boson Helicity in Top-Quark Decays at D0
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Search for W′Bosons Decaying to an Electron and a Neutrino with the D0 Detector
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Measurement of the muon charge asymmetry from Wboson decays
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