Pablo Ariel Dmitruk

Associate Profesor

Principal Researcher

Personal web page

Flip Fluids And Plasmas

Research area: Fluids and Plasmas

  • Fluids and plasmas


Turbulence; Space physics; Geophysical and astrophysical flows.

Selected publications

Colloquium: Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and time scales in astrophysical and space plasmas
Y Zhou, WH Matthaeus, P Dmitruk
Reviews of Modern Physics 76 (4), 1015 (2004).

Test particle energization by current sheets and nonuniform fields in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
P Dmitruk, WH Matthaeus, N Seenu
The Astrophysical Journal 617 (1), 667 (2004)

Coronal heating distribution due to low-frequency, wave-driven turbulence
P Dmitruk, WH Matthaeus, LJ Milano, S Oughton, GP Zank, DJ Mullan
The Astrophysical Journal 575 (1), 571 (1999)

Turbulent coronal heating and the distribution of nanoflares
P Dmitruk, DO Gómez
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 484 (1), L83 (1997)

Magnetic field reversals and long-time memory in conducting flows
P Dmitruk, PD Mininni, A Pouquet, S Servidio, WH Matthaeus
Physical Review E 90 (4), 043010 (2014)

DF es docencia, investigación y popularización de la ciencia.