Seminario: Ultrafast optics con Ursula Keller
- 2025-03-10 10:00 |
- Aula Federman
![]() | Adjoint ProfesorResearcher Independiente CONICETThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Personal web page |
My Area of research is based on the study of observable consequences of quantum vacuum fluctuations and open quantum systems: dissipation, decoherence and Casimir effect. I am also interested in the corrections to the geometric phases of quantum systems induced by external fluctuations.
Frictional and normal Casimir forces are not the only effects of vacuum quantum fluctuations. For any quantum system, the influence of the environment plays a role at a fundamental level. I study the observable consequences of quantum vacuum fluctuations in different scenarios. On one side, the dynamical Casimir effect and the creation of particles in superconducting devices. The calculations involved in determining the physical outcome of particle creation processes, are often hard or impossible to complete. Even though one can rely on simplifying approximations, the set of problems for which solutions can be found analytically is considerably limited. In order to get insight into the whole nonlinear problem with intermode coupling, numerical schemes are much required. I aim to develop numerical approach to simulate DCE and compute the number of particles created by taking into account the intermode coupling and holding all degrees of freedom of the problem. On the other, I study the open geometric phase (GP) as a tool to fruitful avenue of investigation to infer features of the quantum system due to theirs topological properties and close connection with gauge theories of quantum fields. In the case of an open quantum system, The GP obtained will undoubtedly be different to the unitary one since the evolution is now plagued by non-unitary effects such as decoherence and dissipation. We can study the corrections obtained in the GP and track traces of different features of the quantum system, in particular effects such that quantum friction and decoherence.
Recent publications
-"Towards detecting traces of non-contact quantum friction in the corrections of the accumulated geometric phase". , Nature Partners Journal Quantum Information 6, 25 (2020)
-"Entanglement degradation of cavities modes due to the dynamical Casimir effect", PRD, (2020).
-"Geometric phase accumulated in a driven quantum system under a structured environment". PRA A 101, 052112, (2020).
-"Boundary-induced effect encoded in the corrections to the geometric phase acquired by a bipartite two-level system". PRA 101,032337 (2020).
-"Photon generation via dynamical Casimir effect in an optomechanical cavity as a closed quantum system", PRA 100, 062516 (2019).
-"Thermal corrections to quantum friction and decoherence: a Closed-Time-Path approach to atom-surface interaction", PRD 99, 105005 (2019).
- "Dynamical Casimir effect in a double tunable superconducting circuit", PRA 98, 022512 (2018).
-- "Two-qudit topological phase evolution under dephasing", Annals of Physics 390, 159-179 (2018).
- "Numerical approach to simulating interference phenomena in a two-oscillating mirrors cavity",PRA 95, 032115 (2017).
- "Adaptive numerical algorithms to simulate the dynamical Casimir effect in a closed cavity with different boundary conditions", PRE 96, 013307 (2017)
-Premio Estímulo en Física, otorgado por la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Año:2017
-International Fellow “Unesco-L’oreal Fellowship for Young Women in Life Sciences 2009” in the International Programme “Women in Science" done in Unesco, Paris, France.