Nahuel Omar Miron Granese

Main Teaching Assistant


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Gravitation Cosmology And Large Scale Structures

Research area: Cosmology and gravity

  • Cosmology
  • QUBIC Experiment
  • Relativistic Hydrodynamics
  • Nonequilibrium quantum field theory


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Selected publications

N. Mirón Granese, “Relativistic viscous effects on the primordial gravitational waves spectrum”, JCAP 06 (2021) 008
N. Mirón Granese, A. Kandus and E. Calzetta, “Field Theory Approaches to Relativistic Hydrodynamics”, Entropy 2022, 24(12), 1790
N. Mirón Granese, A. Kandus and E. Calzetta, “Primordial Weibel instability”, JCAP 01 (2022) 028
N. Mirón Granese, A. Kandus and E. Calzetta, “Nonlinear Fluctuations in Relativistic Causal Fluids”, JHEP 2020, 64 (2020)
N. Mirón Granese and E. Calzetta, “Primordial gravitational waves amplification from causal fluids”, Phys. Rev. D 97, 023517 (2018)
E. Lescano and N. Mirón Granese, “Double Field Theory with matter and the generalized Bergshoeff-de Roo identification”, Phys. Rev. D 107, 086008 (2023)
E. Lescano and N. Mirón Granese, “Double Field Theory with matter and its cosmological application”, Phys. Rev. D 107, 046016 (2023)
E. Lescano and N. Mirón Granese, “On the phase space in Double Field Theory”, JHEP 2020, 239 (2020)
Nahuel M. Granese, Axel Lacapmesure, Mónica B. Agüero, Marcelo G. Kovalsky, Alejandro A. Hnilo, and Jorge R. Tredicce, "Extreme events and crises observed in an all-solid-state laser with modulation of losses," Opt. Lett. 41, 3010-3012 (2016)

DF es docencia, investigación y popularización de la ciencia.