Coloquio: Multidimensional optical multiplexing
- 13-03-2025 14:35 |
- Aula Federman
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-Optica e información cuántica
-Optica aplicada y fotonica
-Fisica atómica y molecular
[1] G. Puentes, C. La Mela, S. Ledesma, C. Iemmi, J. P. Paz and M. Saraceno, Phys. Rev. A 69, 42319 (2004):
Optical simulation of quantum algorithms using programmable liquid crystal displays†
[2] G. Puentes, A. Aiello and J. P. Woerdman, Phys. Rev. E 69, 036209 (2004): Ray splitting in paraxial
optical cavities
[3] G. Puentes, A. Aiello and J. P. Woerdman, Opt. Lett. 29, 929 (2004):Chaotic ray dynamics in an optical
cavity with a beam splitter
[4] G. Puentes, D. Voigt, A. Aiello, and J. P. Woerdman, Opt. Lett. 30, 3216 (2005): Experimental
observation of universality in depolarized light scattering
[5] A. Aiello, G. Puentes, D. Voigt, and J. P. Woerdman, Opt. Lett. 31, 817 (2006): Maximum-likelihood
estimation of Mueller matrices
[6] G. Puentes, D. Voigt, A. Aiello, and J. P. Woerdman, Opt. Lett. 31, 2057 (2006): Tunable spatial
decoherers for polarization-entangled photons†
[7] G. Puentes, A. Aiello, D. Voigt, and J. P. Woerdman, Phys. Rev. A 75, 032319 (2007): Entangled
mixed-state generation by twin-photon scattering†
[8] A. Aiello, G. Puentes, D. Voigt, and J. P. Woerdman, Phys. Rev. A 75, 062118 (2007): Maximally
entangled mixed-state generation via local operations
[9] A. Aiello, G. Puentes, and J. P. Woerdman, Phys. Rev. A 76, 032323 (2007): Linear optics and quantum
[10] G. Puentes, J. Lundeen, M. Branderhorst, H. Coldenstrodt-Ronge, B. Smith, and I. A. Walmsley, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 102, 080404 (2009): Bridging particle and wave sensitivity in a detector of configurable positive
operator-valued measures
[11] O. Cohen, J. S. Lundeen, B. J. Smith, G. Puentes, P. J. Mosley and I. A. Walmsley, Phys. Rev. Lett.
102, 123603 (2009): Tailored photon-pair generation in optical fibers†
[12] A. P. Worsley, H. B. Coldenstrodt-Ronge, J. S. Lundeen, P. J. Mosley, B. J. Smith, G. Puentes, N. ThomasPeter,
and I. A. Walmsley, Opt. Exp. 17, Issue 6, pp. 4397-4411 (2009): Absolute efficiency estimation of
photon-number-resolving detectors using twin beams; UK patent application (Ref: 3960/rr).
[13] G. Puentes, A. Datta, A. Feito, J. Eisert, M. B. Plenio and I. A. Walmsley, New J. Phys. 12, 033042
(2010): Entanglement quantification from incomplete measurements: Applications using photon-numberresolving
weak homodyne detectors†
[14] J. Nunn, B. J. Smith, G. Puentes, J. S. Lundeen, and I. A. Walmsley, Phys. Rev. A 81, 042109 (2010):
Optimal experiment design revisited: fair, precise and minimal tomography
[15] H. Miyake, G. A. Siviloglou, G. Puentes, D. E. Pritchard, W. Ketterle, and D. M. Weld, Phys. Rev. Lett.
107, 175302 (2011): Bragg Scattering as a Probe of Atomic Wavefunctions and Quantum Phase Transitions
in Optical Lattices
[16] G. Puentes, App. Phys. B: Optics and Lasers 107, 11-16 (2012): Laser frequency offset locking scheme
for high-field imaging of cold atoms
[17] L. Zhang, H. Coldenstrodt-Ronge, A. Datta, G. Puentes, J. Lundeen, Xian-Min Jin, B. Smith, M. B.
Plenio, and I. Walmsley, Nature Photon. 6, 364-368 (2012) - Highlighted in Nature Photonics News and
Views, Nature Photon. 6, 350351 (2012): Mapping coherence in measurement via full quantum tomography
of a hybrid optical detector†
[18] G. Puentes, N. Hermosa, and J. P. Torres, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 040401 (2012): Weak Measurements
with Orbital-Angular-Momentum Pointer States
[19] J. P. Torres, G. Puentes, N. Hermosa, L. J. Salazar, Opt. Exp. 20, 18869 (2012): Weak interference in
the high-signal regime
[20] H. Kobayashi, G. Puentes, and Y. Shikano, Phys. Rev. A 86, 053805 (2012): Extracting Joint Weak
Values from Two-Dimensional Spatial Displacements
[21] S. Moulieras, M. Lewenstein, and G. Puentes, J. Phys. B 46, 104005 (2013), Special Edition 20th
Anniversary of Quantum State Engineering. Featured in J. Phys. B Highlights, LabTalk article 53286
(2013): Entanglement engineering and topological protection by discrete-time quantum walks
[22] G. Puentes, G. Colangelo, R. J. Sewell, and M. W. Mitchell, New J. Physics 15, 103031 (2013): Planar
quantum squeezing via QND measurements in cold atomic ensembles
[23] G. Puentes, N. Hermosa, J. P. Torres, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 028901 (2013): Reply to Comment on
“Weak Measurements with Angular-Momentum-Pointer States”
[24] G. Puentes, G. Waldherr, P. Neumann, G. Balasubramanian, and J. Wrachtrup, Nature Scientific Reports 4, 4677 (2014): Efficient route to high-bandwidth nanoscale NMR using single spins in diamond
[25] G. Puentes, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. and Opt. Phys. 48, 245301 (2015) : Planar Squeezing in Spin 1/2 Systems
[26] G. Puentes, Optical and Quantum Electronics (Springer) 48, 1-11 (2015): Quantum Walk Topology and Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion, Invited Contribution.
[27] G. Puentes, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 33, 461-467 (2016): Spontaenous Parametric Down Conversion and Quantum Walk Topology.
[28] K. Bliokh, C. Prajapati, G. Puentes, N. K. Viswanathan, and F. Nori, OPTICA 3, 2334 (2016): Spin Hall effect and circular birefringence of an uniaxial crysstal plate
[29] G. Puentes, Invited Contribution to Special Issue on Topology, Crystals 7, 122 (2017): Topology, Holonomy, and Quantum Walks; selected for the Cover of the Special Issue on Quantum Topology.
[30] G. Colangelo, M. Ciruana, G. Puentes, R. Sewell, and M. Mitchell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 233603 (2017) : Entanglement-enhanced phase estimation without prior phase information
[31] I. Dimitrova,W. Lunden, J. Amato-Grill,N. Jepsen,Y. Yu, M. Messer,T. Rigaldo, G. Puentes, D. Weld, and W.Ketterle, PRA Rapid Communications 96, 051603 (2017): Observation of two-beam collective scattering phenomena in a Bose-Einstein condensate.
[32] G. Puentes and F. Minotti: Tunable Fluidic Lenses with High Dioptric Power for Impaired Vision, submitted to Optics Letters, arxiv/1710.04074 (2017).
[33] Osamu Takayama and Graciana Puentes: Enhanced spin Hall effect of light for transmission in a polymer, Optics Letters 43, 1343-1346 (2018).
[34] O. Takayama, F. Minotti, and G. Puentes: Tunable fluidic lenses with high dioptric power, Invited Contribution OSA Continuum 1, 181 (2018).
[35] Osamu Takayama, Johneph Sukham, Radu Malureanu, Andrei V. Lavrinenko, Graciana Puentes: Photonic spin Hall effect in hyperbolic metamaterials at visible, Optics Letters 43, 4602 (2018). Highlighted as Editor's Pick 2018.
[36] L. Neves and G. Puentes, Photonic discrete-time quantum walks and applications, Entropy 20, 731 (2018), Special Issue on Quantum Walks and Related Issues (2018).
[37] G. Puentes, Spin-Orbit Angular Momentum Conversion in Metamaterials and Metasurfaces, Quantum Reports 1(1), 91-106 (2019). Invited Review.
[38] G. Puentes, Spin Hall Effect in Photonic Materials, OSA Technical Digest, Peer Reviewed Conference Paper FM48.3 (2019).
[39] Graciana Puentes, Osamu Takayama, Johneph Sukham, Radu Malureanu, and Andrei V. Lavrinenko, First experimental observation of photonic spin Hall effect in hyperbolic metamaterials at visible wavelengths, OSA Technical Digest, Peer Reviewed Conference Paper eh_2_4 (2019).
[40] G. Puentes, Spin Hall Effect in Photonic Materials, Guest Editor Special Issue, Quantum Reports (2019).
[41] G. Puentes, High-dimensional angular two-photon interference and angular qudit states, OSA Continuum 3, 1616 (2020)
[42] G. Puentes, Design and Construction of Magnetic Coils for Quantum Magnetism Experiments,
Quantum Reports 2020, 2(3), 378-387;
[43] Photonic Quantum Walks using Spatial Light Modulators, G. Puentes and L. Neves, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics OSA Technical Digest (OSA 2020), paper JTh2A.18 •
[44] Generation of High-Order Vortex States from Two-Mode Squeezed States, GRACIANA PUENTES; ANINDYA BANERJI, Front. Phys. 9, 690721 (2021).
[45]Spin-Orbit Interactions of Light in Photonic Materials, Graciana Puentes, Conference Paper, PHOTONICS NORTH (2021).
[46] Entanglement of Photonic Angular Qudits, GRACIANA PUENTES; GIACOMO SORELLI, OPTICA TECHNICAL DIGEST, Frontiers in Optics 2021.
[47] G. Puentes and A. Banerji, IEEExplore ISBN:978-1-6654-4483-5 Peer Reviewed Conference Paper Photonics North (2022) : Generation of High Order Vortex States from Two-Mode Squeezeed States
[48] G. Puentes, OPTICA Technical Digest ISBN 978-1-943580-76-1, Peer Reviewed Conference Paper Quantum 2.0 (2022) : Generation of High Order Vortex States from Two-Mode Squeezeed States
[49] G. Puentes, High-Dimensional Entanglement of Photonic Angular Qudits, Front. Phys. 10, 868522 (2022).
[50] G. Puentes, Spin Orbit Interactions of Light in Photonic Materials and Application (Invited Talk), ICO-25-OWLS-16-Germany-2022, Peer Reviewed Conference Paper,Edited by IEEE Conference Proceedings.
[51] GRACIANA PUENTES, Topology in Photonic Discrete-Time Quantum Walks: A Comprehensive Review, Book Chapter, Book Series "Quantum Computing and Communications", IntechOpen ISBN 978-1-83968-134-9 (2022).
[52] G. Puentes, "2D Zak Phase Landscape in Photonic Discrete-Time Quantum Walks", Quant. Rep. 1, 1-18 (2023).
[53] G. Puentes and F. Minotti, "Spectral Characterization of Optical Aberrations in Fluidic Lenses", accepted for pubication in Front. Phys. Optics and Photonics (2023).
[54] G. Puentes, "Spin-orbit Interactions of Ligh: Fundamentals and Emergent Application", J. Eur. Opt. Society-Rapid Publ. Volume 20, Number 1, 2024.
Patents and Invention Disclosures
[1] I. A. Walmsley, B. J. Smith, J. S. Lundeen, P. J. Mosley, G. Puentes, H. B. Coldenstrodt-Ronge, N.
L.Thomas-Peter, A. P. Worsley. ISIS Innovation Limited UK patent (2011-0276.296): Calibration of
particle detectors
[2] M. Bulut, J. Krans, C. Laschet, R. Holmes, G. Puentes, Koninklijke Philips Patent (2017-009.1408): System and computer implemented method for coaching a user in a coaching plan (2017).
[3] G. Puentes, Registro de Invencion CONICET-UBA (Reg. Nr 20170102760): Tunable fluidic lenses for impaired vision
[4] G. Puentes, M. Krijn, P. Tsang, and E. Zondag, Invention Disclosure 2014ID3051, Philips Group Innovation
: Electronic eye-wear correcting for high- and low-order visual aberrations via near-field computational
pre-filtering methods (2014).
[5] P. Tsang, E. Zondag, and G. Puentes, Invention Disclosure 2014ID3066, Philips Group Innovation:
Automatic hyperopia and myopia compensation for display and active eyewear (2014).
[6] E. Zondag, P. Tsang, and G. Puentes, Invention Disclosure 2014ID0362, Philips Group Innovation:
Adjustable pattern mapping glasses (2014).
[7] G. Puentes, O. Willemsen, S. de Zwart, M. Krijn, P. Tsang, 2014ID67577, Philips Group Innovation:
Aremac optical system with increased eye-motion-box (2014).
[8] S. de Zwart, M. Krijn, J. Schleipe, G. Puentes, O. Willemsen, Invention Disclosure 2014ID04252, Philips
Group Innovation: Aremac with optical filtering using telecentric lens system (2014).
[9] G. Puentes, B. Kroon, S. de Zwart, 2015ID00655, Philips Group Innovation: Vertical acommodation
cue display (2015).
Conference Porceedings
[1] 28th Fall meeting of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
Lunteren, The Netherlands (November 2003). Poster presentation: Chaotic ray dynamics in an optical
cavity with a beam-splitter.
[2] 29th Fall meeting of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
Lunteren, The Netherlands (November 2004). Oral presentation: Discovery of a universality relation in
light scattering.
[3] Annual scientific meeting FOM-Decemberdagen
Veldhoven, The Netherlands (December 2005) Poster presentation: Experimental entanglement degradation
by multi-mode scattering.
[4] 20th International Conference on Atomic Physics - ICAP 2006
Innsbruck, Austria (July 2006) Poster presentation: Entangled photons, scattering processes and quantum
[5] Annual scientific meeting FOM
Veldhoven, The Netherlands (January 2007) Oral presentation: Light scattering with entangled photons.
[6] CLEO-QELS 2008
San Jose, USA (May 2008) Oral presentation: Homodyne state tomography with photon-number-resolving
[7] CLEO-QELS 2009
Baltimore, USA (May 2008) Oral presentation: Joint Photon Statistics of Photon-Subtracted Squeezed Light.
[8] Gordon Research Conference in Atomic Physics 2009 Tilton School, USA (June 2009) Poster presentation: Entanglement increase by local photon subtraction: A
step towards continuous variable entanglement distillation.
[9] QIPC 2009 Rome, Italy (September 2009)
Oral presentation: Entanglement increase by local photon subtraction: A
step towards continuous variable entanglement distillation.
[10] CLEO-QELS 2010 San Jose, USA (May 2010)
Oral presentation: Complete Characterization of Weak-Homodyne PhotonNumber-Resolving
Detectors: Applications to Non-Classical Photonic State Reconstructions
[11] CLEO-QELS 2010 San Jose, USA (May 2010)
Oral presentation: Optimal Experiment Design for Minimal Tomography
[12] DAMOP 2011 Atlanta, USA (June 2011) Oral presentation: Probing Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices with Bragg
[13] DAMOP 2012California, USA (June 2012) Poster presentation: Li-7 Machine for Quantum Magnetism Experiments
G. Puentes, Publication List 7
[14] Gordon Research Conference in Quantum Science 2012
StoneHill, USA (August 2012) Poster presentation: Weak Measurements with Orbital-Angular-Momentum
Pointer States
[15] ICFO Workshop Quantum Nano-Optics
Barcelona, Spain (September 2012) Poster presentation: A Planar Squeezed State for High Bandwidth Magnetometry
with Cold Atoms
[16] SOILM13 Workshop Spin-Orbit Interaction for Light and Matter
Dresden, Germany (April, 2013) Oral presentation: Weak Measurements with OAM Pointer States
[17] CLEO-QELS 2013
Baltimore, USA (June 2013), Oral presentation: Generation of Planar Quantum Squeezing in Cold Atomic
[18] ICSSUR 2013
Nuremberg, Germany (June 2013), Poster presentation: Planar squeezing of atomic spin ensembles by QND
[19] TOPSYS 2013
MPI Dresden, Germany (September 2013), Poster presentation: Topological Effects in Photonic Systems
[20] QIM 2014
Berlin, Germany (March 2014), Oral presentation: Generation of Planar Quantum Squeezing in Cold Atomic
[21] QIM 2014
Berlin, Germany (March 2014), Oral presentation: Experimental Observation of Topological Structures in
Photonic Quantum Walks (Invited Contribution)
[22] CLEO 2014
San Jose, USA (June 2014), Oral presentation: Experimental Observation of Topological Structures in Photonic
Quantum Walks (Invited Contribution)
[23] DAMOP 2014
Wisconsin, USA (June 2014), Poster presentation:Toward Quantum Magnetism Experiments with Li-7
[24] DAMOP 2014
Wisconsin, USA (June 2014), Oral Presentation: Generation of Planar Squeezing in a Cold Atomic Ensemble
[25] PARATY 2015
Paraty, Brasil (August 2015), Oral Presentation: Weak Measurements with Orbital Angular Momentum
Pointer States
[26] PHOTONICA 2015
Belgrade, Serbia (August 2015), Invited Contribution: Quantum Walk Topology and Spontaneous Parametric
Down Conversion
[27] Mathematical Modelling in Biological Systems 2015
FCEN-UBA, Argentina (Diciembre 2015), Poster Presentation: Modelado Numerico de Trayectorias de
Nano-Particulas en Systemas Biologicos
[28] AFA 2015
Merlo-San Luis, Argentina (Septiembre 2015)
[29] Escuela Giambiagi 2016
Buenos Aires, Argentina (Julio 2016), Poster Presentation: Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion and
Quantum Walk Topology
[30] CLEO 2017
San Jose, USA (May 2017), Oral Presentation: Spin Hall Effect for an Anisotropic Crystal Plate
[31] AFA 2017
La Plata, Argentina (August 2017), Poster Presentation: Holonomy and Topology in Discrete-Time Quantum-Walks
[32] CLEO Munich, GE (June 2019), Oral presentation: First experimental observation of Spin Hall effect in hyperbolic metamaterials at visible
[32] Frontiers in Optics 2019, Washington DC (September 2019), Invited talk: Spin Hall Effect in Photonic Materials.
[33] St. Petersburg OPEN 2020, Virtual Meeting (Apribl 2020), Invitied talk: Spin Hall Effect in Photonic Materials.
[34] CLEO 2020, Virtual Meeting (May 2020), Poster Presentation: Photonic quantum walks and applications
[35] Deep Learning using the IBM Cloud, Invited Talk, IBM Data and AI (2021).