Coloquio: Multidimensional optical multiplexing
- 13-03-2025 14:35 |
- Aula Federman
![]() | Ayudante de PrimeraEstudiante de doctoradoEsta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.Página web personalGrupo de Información Cuántica y Fundamentos |
My main research interests are in aspects of non-equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems and the link between thermodynamics and information theory, such as the definition of and development of techniques to measure work and work probability distributions of quantum systems; the study of the role of correlations in single-shot thermodynamic processes; and the emergence of standard thermodynamics from the single-shot non-equilibrium regime.
"Correlations as a resource in quantum thermodynamics", F. Sapienza, F. Cerisola, A. J. Roncaglia, preprint arXiv:1810.01215 (2018).
"Ancilla-assisted measurement of quantum work", G. De Chiara, P. Solinas, F. Cerisola, A. J. Roncaglia, chapter in "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent Progress and Outlook", Springer International Publishing (2019).
"Using a quantum work meter to test non-equilibrium fluctuation theorems", F. Cerisola, Y. Margalit, S. Machluf, A. J. Roncaglia, J. P. Paz, R. Folman, Nature Communications, 8, 1241 (2017).
"Work Measurement as a Generalized Quantum Measurement", A. J. Roncaglia, F. Cerisola, J. P. Paz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 250601 (2014).